Hard to find some entries.

when you tell us to look to see if you answered questions first, it would help if you made your front page able to look at without having to move the scroll bars on the sides, because its hard to find some of your entries.

Ok I redid my DD i alittle so that when someone is on firefox it won’t hide my entries, you can still get to them easier, though the layout still won’t look like it should unless you are on IE or have the plugin for IE on firefox. This should help everyone out, plus make it so I don’t have to change my layout.

Though I do have a link on my front page at the top where I have my info about this diary and everything for my FAQ’s site. Though you do have to scroll down a bit to get to it, but it’s still there, just not many people read that to see that I have it up there. That’s why I put a link on my entries now so that when you are reading what I have posted you can get to my site that way as well.

So I hope that this has made it easier for you and others to get to my entries and my FAQ’s site. Take Care!


Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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December 9, 2006

i dont think you’ve answered this one or not but i wanna give my boyfriend a lap dance but i’m not exactaly sure what i should wear and what kinda music to dance to and what kinda moves to use. i am a dancer but dancing and dancing sexy are so different! HELP! 🙂

Thanks for the easier entries thing =]

December 11, 2006

^ Your welcome! S*G