Masturbating to hard, can you hurt yourself?

can you hurt your penis with masturbating too hard!!

I can’t say for sure if you can hurt your penis if you masterbate to hard because I don’t have one myself, but I don’t see why you couldn’t hurt yourself if you do it to hard, I kind of hurt someone one time when I was giving them a hand job before, this is when I just starting doing things with a guy, so it’s safe to say you can hurt yourself.

You can even hurt yourself at times if you go to fast, only because there is a chance that you can move the wrong way and not really know it till it is to late and you are hurt. I have done this once myself as will when I first starting doing things. Though I did learn from it and knew not to do that again.

It is easier for someone to hurt your more then it is for you to hurt yourself I think, because you know better of what you like and how you like it, so the chance of you hurting yourself is less, but if you try new ways of doing things, then there is a chance you can do it wrong and hurt yourself, so on that I think it would be good if you start out kind of slow with new things till you get the idea better then more on to going faster. Hope this helped! Take Care!



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