Kink Test

I was kind of bored so I was looking around some sites, and I came across this one site and it has some quizzes on it and I took one of them. So I thought I would put it up on here and see if anyone else would want to do it as well and share what they got on it. So if you wish to do so just leave a note with your sore and they can just look up here to see what it says about your sore.  The one in bold is what I got, just so you know and don’t wonder. 🙂


Your Hotlanta Kink Test score was 426!

Here is the chart so that you can see how you are rated:

100 or less    You need to lighten up and live a little!
101 to 200    You have an average sex life in need of kink.
201 to 300    You have sweet hints of a kinky nature.
301 to 400    You have kinky playful tendencies.
401 to 500    You are definitely a kinky player.
501 to 600    You are kinkier than most!
601 to 700    You are a major league kinkster!
701 to 800    You live and breath kinky!!
801 to 900    Wow! You’re too kinky for most!!!
901 or more    SUPER FREAK ALERT! You da BOMB!

Click here

Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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November 22, 2006

My sore was 692! Can you believe it??? LOL I’m sure you can. Hope you are ok sweetie! *hugs*