
Yes I know I lied, I didn’t answer any questions like I said I would, but I haven’t been online to much like I thought I would when I said that. Plus my keyborad was acting up and being a pain. I couldn’t use my spacebar, or the letters t, g, and b so that just made it so very annoying when I would try and type. You would not believe how many times you use those three keys when you are typing something or to someone. I found that out the hard way. lol Well my keyborad seems to be working better now, I cleaned it out more then once, even took the keys out and cleaned it that way, so it seems to be working alright, just have to hope and pray it keeps going.

I need to start doing more with my OD’s, but I use Xanga more then anything anymore so I never update my Poetic`Soul OD, not like many people read it anyway, most people come to this one. Though I may still keep it because I do post up my poems on that one when I do write them… I still have some poems I haven’t even put up on that one. Shows how much I use it doesn’t it.

Oh also, I plan on maybe uploading my diary to my website, this way if the DM finds my OD and deletes it you can still go to my website and look up your answers. If this does happen I will make a new one so that you can leave notes, but if I don’t get this diary back up and running before you need to ask me a question, you can always email me your question and I can answer it that way. From what I hear the DM isn’t really trying to do anything about it right now, but you never know so I am just giving you all a heads up. The site will not be up and running this way at first, but it will be in time.  As you all know I have a lol of posts to do so… but I will get them up.


Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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June 17, 2006

that sucks ass about your keyboard, dog. lol.

Your front page is really cool I write stories you should check them out sometimes. Smooches, Candi

When you are in the doggie style position he will need to put himsself inside your bottom hole. The 2nd one… have him take his finger and feel where it would be first. I read this from a previous entry… is it true there are two wholes for a guy to enter through in the vagina? I’m confused!!!

July 28, 2006

I am newly married, and just wanted to thank you for having such a comprehensive, and tactfully done page. It has helped answer lots of questions I had in a non-embarrassing, non-crude manner. Thank you, and keep it up.

ok so me and my boyfriend have been together for 7 months and weve had sex. but i have never been able to cum from sex or even just being fingered by him. he really wants me to and i feel like there is something wrong with me that i cant cum. i want to but never have before and dont know what to do. he gets confused and feels like he is doing somethign wrong, but he isnt. please help.