I’m back from Ky…..

It has been awhile since I have posted any thing on here I know, and I’m sorry for that, but there is more then one reason why I haven’t… main reason is I been trying to find questions that I haven’t answered yet, plus I have been out of state as well. Where I was I couldn’t get online, but I am back now and I will get to the questions that I do have that I haven’t answered already tomorrow. Right now I need to get to bed it’s 3:30 in the morning.

I am still working on my FAQ’s Page as well, kind of a pain in the butt really so many posts, and I’m not sure where the last one I put up on my site is, so I kind of have to go throu them all just to make sure I got them all up on my site so far. It’s slow going but I will get them all up. I am going to try and update my site at least once a week or once every 2 weeks so I don’t get backed up to much with it.

Well I am going to hit the hay now, I will be on sometime tomorrow to update this again and to work on my site for this as well. Till then sleep well and take care!


Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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I changed this diary around a lot! Sorry… Meaning, the entry got deleted. Ack. Long story short, the DM and the moderators, for a while there, were trying to ban all sex-related diaries, including literotica, and other such related material that wasn’t on a Faves Only diary/entry. Just a warning to you, m’dear. 🙂

June 12, 2006

Welcome back. Now, considering the material you work with here, I must ask – do you mean you’re back from Kentucky, or from KY-jelly? 😛