Like OMG! I can stay logged in now so I can get back to doing this thing… I knew the DM would fix the problem, but man it would have been nice if it was fixed sooner, well maybe it was and I just didn’t check it in time. Anyway at least it is working now and I can log in and not have to worry about getting logged out right after I try and go anywhere. That was getting very annoying!

The bad new is that someone got in my diary and put some of my post on private also they deleted some of my notes. I’m not sure how many notes are gone and how many of them I haven’t answered yet, but I will find out once I post this up. Just wanted to let you all know that I am back once again and I can answer questions now to. Though I am mad that someone got in my diary and did what they did to it. Some people I swear!

Well I will see what questions I have in my notes that I haven’t answered and answer them, but if I don’t answer your question and you see that it is not in my notes then just leave it again if you would like me to answer it for you. I’m sorry about this; I know I don’t have to say that because it isn’t my fault but I still feel as though I should anyway.

Oh also I have a new layout that I made I will be putting up here soon as well. Just so you know. I can’t keep anything the same can I… Well most of my readers who have been reading me just about since I have been here or long enough to know how I am with my layout on here. Ok I’m off to go check on my notes. Take Care!


Log in to write a note

What are the differences between male and female orgasms? Do they feel the same? Do they both cum the same? What’s the same and what’s different? x

I am 19, just started having sex, and I think that my girlfriend might have gotten some of my “stuff” in her. Ok. She was giving me head and she got some of the pre-cum on her hand. Then she went to touch herself to check if she was wet. Is there any way that she could get pregnant from doing that or is there a very slim chance?? Thanks in advance!!

April 4, 2006

wow, it took me a while to work out your note lol. The site is offline at the moment, but yes Im still very interested for when its back up (hopefully in the next week or two) my contact details have changed. You can write to me at admin@xxxlucyxxx.com and I will email it back to you (you have no private note option lol)Looking forward to hearing from you, I have a few ideas I hope you will like


April 4, 2006


April 4, 2006


What can be done about nipple hair? Odd it sounds perhaps but plucking can cause ingrown hair and Im not so sure about using any dissolving creams or anything any suggustions? Thanks glad you back too!

April 4, 2006

hey sommeone on here referred me to you….ive decided to give a handjob for the first time and i was wondering if you had any advice?!?! anything would be super helpful bc i am at a loss……thanksss…..el

April 4, 2006

good to see you back again. take care, M

April 4, 2006

You’ve been added 🙂 Enjoy

April 7, 2006

glad you are back. I hope things are settling down. <3

April 10, 2006

I know you’re bogged but if you have time: What can I do to avoid stomch aches after my bf cums in my mouth? It’s awful 🙁

I heard that some foods can make cum taste good (or bad)…is this true? And which foods are these?

are girls supposed to shave –you know where? what about guys? email me at top5musicmyspace@yahoo.com

April 20, 2006

im in love witha guy and today he asked out another girl and i feel horrible are there any ways that i can get over him or make him mine or should i give because i think i already did