In love with my friend, What should I do?

do you give dating advice> if you do i have a question. i like this guy and he knows i like him. last year we were friends this year we dont talk. im in love with this guy and i want him to be my boy friend what should i do? if i start hanging out with him he might think im trying to ask him out. even if i was his friend i would be the happiest person in the world. is it possible that we could be friends (maybe more) because i really love ive never met someone so comfortable with himself or someone so goofy. what should i do?
hello, this is the same person from 2 notes above that asked what should i do about the guy i like. i also feel that im not good enough for him but i really love him so could you please help me. thanks
love, Blacky

I will answer any question; I just mostly get sex questions. First off why aren’t you guys talking anymore? If you were friends before and now your not, what happen, what changed?

He knows you like him, but does he know that you love him? That’s not really important, but if you want him to know how you feel then it is. Love isn’t an easy thing and telling someone how you feel isn’t easy as well, more so when you don’t know how they feel about you. What you have to do is talk to him. The only way you will know what will become of you both is by talking to him.

You can tell him how ever much you want to tell him about how you feel regarding him, he already knows you like him, though he may not know that you really love him, that is up to you to tell him or not. Either way you still need to let him know that you would like to know how he feels about you, is it just friendship he wants with you or more. Though you need to let him know that how ever he feels about you, you still want to be his friend.

You can just go up to him and ask him out as well and see what happens that way, but in a way sense you two were friends before I think it would be best to talk to him about it and see how he feels. If he doesn’t feel the same about you, you don’t even have to tell him more then he already knows about your feelings, unless you want to. This is never easy to do, not knowing how someone feels about you when you love them is a pain, but the only one you will ever know how they feel is by asking them.

You can be friends with him; even though you love him it is possible to be friends with him. I can’t say it will always be easy, because once he goes out with other girls it will hurt you to see him with him, so you need to think about that as well. Some people can handle that, others can’t. You need to found out if you can handle that if he only wants to be friends with you. If you can’t then maybe you shouldn’t be friends with him either. This is something you have to found out yourself and make up your own mind about that.

Don’t ever think you aren’t good enough for someone, because you are. Everyone is good enough for anyone, even if people don’t think you are or say you aren’t. You are good enough to be with him, love him and have him love you (If that is how he feels) so don’t ever think you aren’t. Even if he isn’t the one for you now, someone is out there for you and will let you know with all his heart you are good enough.

i noticed the persons note above mine and im in a pickle like her. i like a guy named zach and we’re friends and we talk everyday. should i tell him how i feel and ruin what we have. or should i risk what we have but then he’ll know how i really feel [utterlyinsane]

When it comes to love and having them love you back don’t always work out like you hope it would, then again it can and does. I do know that if you love someone you shouldn’t hide it, you shouldn’t hold it back, because in the long run you will more then likely end up regretting it and you will never know if something could have happened with you both in the end.

I can’t say by telling someone how you feel will make them yours, and I can’t say that telling them how you feel won’t make them yours; it’s a chance you have to be willing to take when telling someone how you feel about them. Though that doesn’t mean that you can’t still be friends even if the other doesn’t feel the same about you, sometimes it can hurt friendships I’m not saying it can’t. Though how will you ever know how the other ones feels if you never let them know and never ask, how will you ever know if something more then friendship can happen if you don’t open your mouth and say how you feel?

If I was in your place I would tell him how you felt about him, you never know he may feel the same way he is just to shy or scared to tell you.  The only way you will know what will happen is if you let him know, other wise you will always be wondering what if. It’s really up to you if you want to see if there can be more or not, it’s up to you if you want to tell him or not, no matter what I say in here. You have the last say in what you do and say in your life. I’m just here trying to help you and give you ideas and my own thinking. What ever you do it will be the right thing, if you think about what you really want and make up your own mind, no matter the out come of it, because you were the one that made your mind up and did what you thought was right. Hope this helps, and sorry it was so late. Take Care!


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i was in this postion with one of my best friends, but i told her and were stil really good friends, i think we became better friends from it. the only reason were not dating is because she has a bf she loves and has been dating for a while.

February 13, 2006

thank you for your advice i really appreciate it but i dont think im going to tell him how i really fell becuase im not really one to do such things i dont have any confidence. plus everyone likes him and people make fun of me at our school. so i am to just admire from afar

February 13, 2006

thanks again i appreciate it