Leftover from my miscarriage or am I pregnant?

I have read your diary for a while and really like it. But I also have a question. See I had a miscarriage then my boyfriend and I had sex very close to when I stopped bleeding. After I went to have a pg test it came up negative everyone since has been negative. But I have been having symptoms of being pregnant afterwards even with my periods. I wanted to know if there is a chance that is leftover from my miscarriage or if I really am pregnant.. [Raven of Shadow]

I don’t know if you are pregnant again or not, you have the symptoms but the test was negative. I wonder how many tests you have done, now I can see one test being wrong, maybe even two, but if you have had more then two tests and they all say the same thing, then I don’t see how you can be pregnant. I can’t see to many tests being wrong. If you want to know for sure you can always have your Doctor give you a test to make sure.

I don’t know much about miscarriages to know if it could be that or not, I have looked miscarriage up and what I found say nothing about having signs of being pregnant after a miscarriage, so I really don’t know, I think the best thing for you to do would go and see your Doctor about this and find out from him.

I am sorry that you had a miscarriage though, I am sure it isn’t an easy thing to go through. Keep your chin up! Take Care!


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January 12, 2006

Oh, you poor thing. See a doctor, as there may still be some debris in the uterus that’s causing the problems.

January 12, 2006

Denfinatly see a doctor about this. Plus pregnancy symptoms are really tightly linked to hormones, so they might just be high following your miscarriage as your body figures out just what happened.

January 30, 2006

Well I have had three tests including one from a health clenic which was the first one then two home pg tests. I was told that it probably is leftover tissue most likely.Especially after three tests you would think something would have come up. But yeah I would be about five months along now and at least would have had more symptoms. The ones I had had went away after my third period after the

January 30, 2006

the miscarriage. So yeah probably hormones as well there. Cant go to the doc though unfortunatly I dont have the money still to be able to. 🙁