I’m 17 but bottle says to be 19, What will happen?

so i want to take these breast enhanser pills, but i dont know if i should. im almost 17 and it says on the bottle that you shouldnt take them if you are under 19. and i know that maybe i shouldnt cause thats what it says, but i was wondering if theres anything that could seriously go wrong if i did take them..ya kno? i dont know if you do these questions..maybe someone can help me w/ it…thx

I really don’t know what could happen if you take them when you are the right age. Maybe nothing will happen, then again maybe something will. There is a reason why they have an age on them. Have you asked a Doctor about them? They would know more about it then I would. I wouldn’t know how to look it up for you, because I don’t know what the name of the pills are, so me looking it up wouldn’t help you either, I could give you the wrong info for that pill. If you tell me what the name of the pills are I could look them up for you and be able to answer this better, but I think the best thing for you to do would be asking a Doctor about them and see what they say.  Sorry I couldn’t help you much, take care!


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Wow, someone is dumb enough to buy into that shit?

thx. i asked a doctor. it was okay. and THEY WORKED! =D

Where would you find breast enhancer pills? Can they be bought in a drugstore?

January 7, 2006

There is no such thing. There are no pills that will make your breasts larger. If you have any concerns about medication ask your doctor. Talk to your doctor. Doctor.

January 7, 2006

Besides, your body isn’t done developing at 17. Don’t go augmenting you body untill nature’s done with it at least.