Trying to get Pregnant (UpDated)

me and my boyfriend been togethr for a year and we’ve been tryin so hard 2 have our first child..Its been a year and nothing happens..I always think its something wrong with me but its been a year and we both were virgins when we met..Aany help why its not working?

There could be a few reasons to why it isn’t happening for you yet…

 Ø If you have been on the pill for a while and just now got off it could take up to a year for you to get Pregnant.
 Ø If you are having sex when you aren’t ovulating, then you won’t have much of a chance to get Pregnant.
 Ø If you are too stressed out, this will make it harder for you to get Pregnant as well.
 Ø Something could be wrong with you on the inside and you just don’t know it.
 Ø Your BF could have a low sperm count.

There are a lot of reasons to why you can’t get Pregnant; I don’t know all of them. Well I don’t know half of them for that matter… but I think you should try and relax about it, worrying and stressing out is not going to help you at all.

If you try to hard to get pregnant, more then likely that isn’t going to get you pregnant any faster. I had heard more then one person say that. If you can’t have fun when trying and all you do is try and try and get stressed out over it, or over work yourself because of it, then the chances of you getting pregnant are less.

Being a virgin has nothing to do with trying to have a baby; at least I don’t think so. It takes time to get pregnant, and if you can’t then there could be something wrong with one of you. For some reason one of you may not be able to have kids. Have you been to your Doctor to see? Maybe your Doc can help you out more then I have. Good Luck though! Take Care and I hope this did help some.



I found a site why I was looking something else up that I thought I would post up here as well, maybe it can help you out too.

Getting Pregnant


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November 30, 2005

Wow, there’s a question you don’t see here much. Someone trying to get pregnant, rather than avoiding pregnancy. If I may add to the suggestions of the Goddess – see your doctor. If getting fertility checked out is too pricy an option, you can still find out about body basal temperatures and such. What is used for the “rhythm method” of birth control can also be used for procreation.