Masturbating and Orasm – (Mermy)

Well I thought I would do some more questions real fast tonight. I’m only going to do the ones I still have left to do, and get to the ones I have still in my notes another day…but I will get to them soon! 🙂

Is it normal for a gurl to breathe so hard after masterbating and I have to rest a good 20mins when my boyfriend can do it and 2 mins later go off doing whatever he was doing?

If I feel great and can’t do it anymore and I cum thats an orgasm right? I only been doing this for about 6 month and I have not had sex other then masterbating with my b/f on the fone. I was just wondering. Thanks Mermz

Your first question….

Everyone is different when it comes to sex and masturbating, some people can do them and still get up and run a mar-a-thon, why others have to lay for a time and rest before they can do anything else. This is normal on both parts. Sometimes I get out of breathe and have to rest a little bit before I can do anything, other times I can jump right in to it again or something else. Just depends on the person and in a way how much you get in to it and how much of your energy you use up why doing it.  I wouldn’t worry about it, for you it is normal, maybe later on you won’t have to wait 20mins.

2nd question…

When you have an orgasm you will know, but remember not everyone can have one, mostly with intercourse is when a female can’t get an orgasm, but sometimes they can’t have one when they masturbate either. I have a few posts up on Orgasm; some of them will tell you what one feels like. I can say that when you have one you will know, it won’t be like any other time you have came before, some peoples legs move without them moving them, your whole body can just move out of control, you feel like you have reached the stars and you are falling back down to earth.

You can have more then one orgasm at a time, but some people can’t keep going on after the first one, they have to stop. If you are using your clit and you reached your orgasm more then likely your clit is very sensitive to the touch, this is why some females can’t keep going, because it can hurt to or it is too sensitized for them to keep going. If you want you can read my other posts on Orgasms as well. Hope this helps. Take Care!


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December 1, 2005

It helped loads thanks so much..I feel better now knowing it’s normal for me…Your the best and thanks for taking time out to redo this for me.. Huggs Mermz