Diaphrams and IUDs…

Alright, I’ve got the basics down. There’s the condom, the pill.. But what are diaphrams and IUDs, and how do they work?

 many thanks! [ElectricFlame]

I have posts up on these just look through my diary for them, if you still need help or can’t find them let me know.







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November 18, 2005

A diaphragm is a sort of flexible disk inserted up into the vagina, and covers the cervix. The idea is to physically stop semen from entering the uterus. You would also coat them with a spermicide to kill off sperm cells. IUDs are surgically implanted into the uterus. IÂ’m not sure of the specifics, but they prevent the fertilization of eggs

November 18, 2005

Oh, and condoms are the only thing that prevent STDs and HIV. For god’s sake use condoms people.

November 20, 2005

To the above noter – condoms really aren’t a safeguard against most STDs. Yes, they’ve been proven to work well against HIV, and one or two other diseases that can only be spread through contact with bodily fluid. But anything else, no. Example: herpes sores and genital warts might not be covered by the condom, and thus can be transmitted.

November 20, 2005

Fair enough. I just really wanted to stress towards more protection. People often concentrate so much on preventing pregnecy and forget the potential dangers of sexual activity. Thank you for pointing out that even condoms arn’t failsafe.

November 28, 2005

I’ve been corrected again. IUDs are not surgicly implanted. I’m not sure why I thought that. I’m really sorry. They are placed in the uterus and can be done during a doctors visit.