Protective Bf now… ?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months (my longest relationship) & we’re very happy together… We’re always being very close and very lovey. We love each other to death.

My friends say we have a fck’d up relationship:

I don’t care if he cheats on me, so long as he tells me. He hasn’t done so yet, to my knowlege… However, he once told me that he did not care if another guy kissed me… But when a guy did (totally without my permission), he didn’t act like he didn’t care… He got all protective. And semi-jealous when I continued to hang out with my other guy friends…

It’s not a sex question, I’m sorry… 

I’m just curious to know what you think here… I’ll take an answer from anyone who’s willing to answer.

Thank you. [wthhappened]

You don’t have to be sorry for asking me something that isn’t a sex question. I do answer other questions that have nothing to do with sex; people just ask sex questions normally. 🙂

As for your question…

Some people think that if you are willing to let your bf or gf have sex with someone else that; that is messed up. Really it is up to you and your partner if that is messed up or not. Not everyone thinks that same as when it comes to sleeping with other people why you are with someone. If you can have an open relationship like that then there is nothing wrong with it, as long as you and your bf are ok with it.

At the time that your bf told you he was ok with another guy kissing he may have been ok with it, but by seeing another guy kiss you may have made him rethink his out look on it. Some people say they don’t mind if you do things with other people, but when it happens they don’t like the idea anymore. It could be that they weren’t really sure in the beginning or that they never had there gf/bf really do it to them so they didn’t know how it would really feel till it happens to them.

Guys aren’t always easy to figure out, they can say things at one time and mean it, but another time say something different they what they said before. Girls do the same things; I’m not saying they don’t. When he saw the guy kiss you he could have been jealous about it, he got protective before there was someone else kissing you beside him. He is your man, not the guy that kissed you and seeing him kiss you make him see that he doesn’t like it when others kiss you.

People do change there minds, so maybe he has changed his about it being ok for you to kiss guys. I can’t say for sure why he acted that way; the best thing for you do is to talk to him about it. Ask him if he is not ok with you kissing other guys, if he has changed his mind about it. If he has you would like to know, that way you won’t do something with someone else. (Even though this time it happened without your permission)

You two seem to have a pretty open relationship so you should be able to talk to him about this. You are ok with him sleeping with someone else, but maybe he isn’t anymore. Sense he hasn’t done anything with someone other then you, that say‘s a lot about him. After all he could do it if he really wanted to, because you wouldn’t care, but he could not being doing it because he does care. Just talk to him about it more, don’t just let it drop then you will never know what was going on in his mind, or how he feels about you doing things with other people and him doing things with other people. Hope this helps. Take Care!


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RYN: I also think that his mother needs to address most of those things, at least at first.

October 5, 2005

I have a problem. My boyfriend and I have been having sex now everyday for the past 5 days and none of the times that we had sex did he climax. I feel I am doing something wrong, but he says it isn’t me that it’s him. Plus everytime he comes close to climaxing it goes away. I tried the teasing thing and it doesn’t work. I don’t know what to do so maybe if you have some advice I would love it!

October 9, 2005

In regards to this question,my fiance is very much like this. Well. He wouldn’t care if I pounced on another woman-he would care about another guy. I don’t care if he pounces another girl. Back to the subject! He WOULD care if I didn’t give my permission,no matter how small the act of affection,first. Maybe that’s what it was?

October 9, 2005

Alright, I’ve got the basics down. There’s the condom, the pill.. But what are diaphrams and IUDs, and how do they work? many thanks!

RYN: No doubt. 😉

how many times have you had sex?

how do i use anal beads?

my parents told me that if you had sex before you are married you would go to hell is this true? and by the way i love your diary

RYN: Thanks. I generally am a positive person, and am certainly not going to change that about me now. 🙂

how often do you change positions during sex?

errrrm Hi. I havent given a blowjob before and I want to know how much cum I shud expect. Plz help.