What does he mean, How does a girl react?

she’s with this guy and it hurts her a little bit, but she likes it. He said she’s hard to satisfy because she hasn’t cum yet with him. He’s been with other girls that were easier to satisfy. She wants to know what he means by this and how a girl normally reacts after intercourse. that is what i got out of it, and that took me awhile too. if they want help you should be able to read it right?
[tears of a rose]

Thank you tears of a rose, That makes more sense. I just didn’t get it. lol Anyway….

First off not all girls can cum with intercourse, just because other girls he has been with did doesn’t mean that it is normal for all girls to cum with intercourse. What he means by hard to satisfy I would think is that you aren’t like the other girls, you don’t get off as easy as they do, but that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. Just to let you know.

There is no normal way for a girl to react when it comes to sex, most moan out and wiggle or something, but that doesn’t mean that it is normal for all girls to do that. All girls are different when it comes to sex and what they like. What your bf and you need to go is find out what you like, he may have to work a little more then he is use to, but if you want to have your fun and he wants you to reacted more then he needs to find out what you like. What makes you moan and wiggle around.

Just make sure you have fun when it comes to things you do. I Hope this helps, and if you need anything else just let me know, but try to make it so I can at lease read it. 🙂 Take Care!


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‘ most moan out and wiggle or something’ I’m assuming this means my squeaking is normal. I certainly hope so,because he -loves- to hear me squeak.

March 5, 2005

yes that goes for waht you do as well. Everyone does different things and makes different sounds so don’t worry about it. 🙂 S*G

March 4, 2006

Hi,this is a very nice diary i wish i would have found it before when i needed advice but im glad to have it so if anything comes up ill be sure to ask.Take care