What kind of Mint?

ive neva used the mint! gonna try it with my girl but wot kind of mint would be good? polo’s? extra strong? do girls realy like it?

I don’t think it would really matter what kind you would use, but if it is your first time and hers with the mint, then you may just want to start off with something that isn’t to strong, just incase she doesn’t like it. I never had anyone use it on me, so I can’t tell you how it is and all, but there are some girls have and they like it. Just have to try it out and see if she would like it or not.


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I thought i heard somewhere that you can’t use a mint with sugar because the girl can get a yeast infection. i thought that sugar free mints are ok.

what does “using the mint” mean? I mean, I may be dumb for asking or whatever..But I have no idea what that means.

Hey how do I know if I have hemmhoroids? Cause at my bf’s house I saw some hemorhoid cream but I didnt want to ask him about it. What are the symptons and what do they look like? Cause I have a weird red bump down there and it kinda hurts when I touch it and it itches sometimes.