Itch down there

i itched a lot down there once and i think cut myself, but i’m really paraniod and think its herpes or some kind of std… what do you think?

Since you cut yourself that could just be it, it could just be healing and the healing is what is making you itch. I can’t say for sure if it could be more or not. Just it inching doesn’t really say alot, but if you want to put your mind at eise go to the gyno and have they check you out. If it is just itching then it just make be because you cut yourself, but to be on the safe side you may want to check it out. Take Care!


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Do guys really care if a girl’s natural or is it a turn off for them?

wut r reason’s a person’s period could b late? because i’m usually regular… but it’s been a week since i was supposed to get it… my bf and i had sex a month ago, but we used a condom and i think i would b having signs already if i was pregnant… so i’m not really sure wut’s wrong… and just in case i took a pregnancy test a couple days ago… it said i wasn’t pregnant… but i’m still scared

Your advice sucks. All you do is repeat yourself. You suck!

don’t be mean i don’t see you doing anything to help anyone!

To the noter about late period…If you stress about it then it can be late. Other things can cause it but stress does it, and since you’re worryin’ so much about it that’s probably what it is. If the test came out negative then there’s no need to worry. It would also be irregular. Mine is.

late period noter – go get a pregnancy test. they are not expensive and it will give you an answer. depending on the answer you may stop losing sleep over the matter, or perhaps you will become more stressed. natural boobs person – naturals just look and feel better. see this link –>

is it normal to bleed after sex? i had sex with my bf and after i started bleeding. i had already had my period about two weeks before and i have had sex before. is there something wrong?

October 22, 2004

question: Is it safe to have sex on your period? Without protection and let him cum inside you? Also: If you were to become pregnant and you are a heavy drinker, and you didn’t know for awhile that you were pregnant, would it be possible that the heavy drinking could force an early miscarriage?