Abortion, Pain wise?

I am having an abortion…waht can i expect when the procedure happens…pain wise…?

http://www.fwhc.org/renton.htm (scroll down for anesthesia info as well as a description of the procedure)
http://www.fwhc.org/faq.htm -This one here is where I found What about Pain?

The above pages describe the procedure and pain/anesthesia. Usually local anesthesia is used, because it all that is needed. However, so many women request general anesthesia (they ask to be “knocked out”) that it is becoming more common. There are several forms of “general” anesthesia that can be used safely in an out-patient clinic.

In between general anesthesia and local anesthesia is a pain management option called IV sedation or conscious sedation which allows a woman to be more relaxed during the procedure but not be asleep.

Abortion need not be painful.

What about Pain?
The pain a woman feels during abortion comes from muscle cramps, similar but stronger than menstrual cramps. Relaxing before and during the procedure will help reduce pain.

Depending upon the clinic, clients may choose from

local anesthesia (injection to numb the cervix, the opening to the uterus, the usual medication is lidocaine, similar to novocaine for dental work)
local anesthesia with options for conscious sedation (an IV sedative), sometimes called “comfort sleep” using Versed.
general anesthesia (also given by IV)
In addition, women may choose a mild tranquilizer and/or an oral analgesic. Sedation helps the woman’s muscles relax during the procedure thereby reducing cramping.

If a woman chooses the tranquilizer, IV sedation, or general anesthesia, she must have someone else drive her home. Sedation and general anesthesia may increase the time spent in recovery and increase the likelihood of vomiting afterward.

This is the site I got this from if you would want to read more up on this. http://www.fwhc.org/abortion/  Hope this helps. Take Care!


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What about the emotional pain?

October 10, 2004

Someone close to me had one and hers went pretty smoothly, smoother than she thought. Hers was only barely 7 weeks, so they had her breathe some of that laughing gas type stuff, and the nurse held her hand during the procedure.. the procedure only took less than a minute and she was up and off the table. You then put on a pad because you will bleed a little bit. She said that her procedure did not

October 10, 2004

hurt at all, but they told her she may have some cramping like period cramps afterwards. She didn’t, but some people do. They then took her back and sat her in a recliner and gave her some cookies and some water and a heating pad incase of cramps. Also gave a pill like a pain releiver I think. She only had to say about 10 minutes or so to make sure everything was ok and she was free to leave.

October 10, 2004

Her abortion came about because she was raped. I don’t blame her at all for doing that – why carry some creep’s child that you never had plans on having..

October 10, 2004

Scarlett O’Whore, There is things about that on the page, that is why I put the link up, so if people would want to read about more then what I put up. They even had other peoples stories up on it to. S*G

Baby killer. I hope it’s for something like rape or incest, and not for some stupid reason like you made an oops with your b/f and don’t want to have the responsibility of a child.

Think REALLY hard about what you are doing first!!! Do you really want to kill one of God’s living creatures? Why not think about adoption first. It is a Wonderful option.

I had an abortion n i reli wish id never of done it, i mean i murdered a lil baby, my baby. The actual abortion sis not hurt but the pain u have to live with knowing you killed your baby is horrible. I would do anything to turn back the clock, i was 19 weeks wen i had it done so i could feel it growing anf everything so meby thts y it was so hard but i would not recomend anyone having an abortion

i’m disappointed… you killed a human being…