Witty and Charming
Yeah, like I wasn’t gonna do it.
So I had a follow up meeting on my PRS this morning before I left work. As expected I’m doing well. Facility Manager says it’s like I’m a completely different person. He’s been talking to my employees and they say the same thing, blah blah blah.
It’s horse biscuits, I haven’t changed anything I’m doing. At all. It’s just we’re getting completely done every night now so I’m not a raging maniac pushing and pushing and pushing anymore. They’re doing their jobs without it. Which pretty well means I was, in fact, doing my job properly before.
So Andy Rooney died. That sucks.
One of my hourly managers last night put a horrible image in my head. It involved two of our stockers having relations. If you knew them you’d understand. One of them is a very weepy, emotional, bothersome nit who can’t seem to remember anything I tell her from one night to the very next. The other is a fifty-year-old overweight guy who still (not again) lives with his mother and despite only having worked in three or four departments in the past five years he is still the slowest stocker I have, even when he’s in his "normal" areas. It’s very annoying.
The Senior Manager I worked with last night seemed like he was trying to keep us from getting done. He kept changing my plan and moving people and pulling out VENDOR freight that we are not only not responsible for stocking we are not allowed to stock. But that didn’t stop him. And of course we were missing some of the requisite level of polish on the store this morning and Facility Manager was being picky. I’m pretty well sick of it.
Just saw my first "Forever Lazy" commercial. I’m pretty sure no one in their right mind would ever wear one of those things out in public, despite what they’ve portrayed in the commercial. Geez.
BBC America is playing the Battlestar Galactica where Adama jumps the Galactica into the atmosphere of New Caprica. That still makes me cringe.
I imagine that Forever Lazy clothing is only used by people that want to have quick relations while in public. Like those two stockers of yours, for example. (No need to thank me.) 🙂
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My husband, who laughs in the face of fashion, seemed a prime candidate for the Forever Lazy, and in fact lived in it for the first week after receiving it in the mail (only in the house, but still, lol). We refer to it as his onesie. Of course, because the second one was free, I also have one. I keep wanting to glue googly eyes onto the hoods and wear them next October 31 as a pair of muppets.
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RYN: This was my Facebook profile photo for a month. Suitably ridiculous. But warm. I was equal parts horrified and amused. And I hid in the house a lot. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/382765_366895766658836_100000152478052_1782480_109065820_n.jpg
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