I grilled, badly, but I grilled
Yeah, it was still a little chilly and it started raining a little after I slapped the meat down on the grill, so I didn’t cook them to my own standards, but they were ok. At least they were cooked all the way through, if only just. And now my grill is gross. Because of the rain any splatter that would have boiled off the grates and the body of the grill just condensed and sat there. Ewww. I’ll strip it down and clean it this weekend when I’m off.
I’m dry-aging a porterhouse steak in my fridge to cook this weekend. It looked really good when Alton did it on Good Eats. I’ll be using an extra-large charcoal chimney-starter as both a broiler and the heat source for the "oven" to finish it off in. It takes about five minutes to cook, let it rest for five minutes and then you’re supposed to have yummy porterhouse goodness worthy of the best steakhouses. I’ll let you know.
Had to take another inane training module on the computer at work last night. It seems my company now has consolidated and rewritten their workplace violence and harassment polices into one over all anti-terror policy. I’m so glad that the same policy that forbids me from keeping my legally owned firearm in my personally owned car in the parking lot now also forbids truck-bombs and suicide attacks. I feel so much safer knowing that any terrorist that wants to attack my store will be deterred by the fact that it is against company policy to do so. Jesus. When will people learn that if someone is intent on doing bodily harm or killing as many people as possible that a few stupid laws and regulations are not going to stop them, but they will prevent people that would otherwise be legally and safely armed from stopping them as soon as humanly possible?
I have been staying away from red meat, but that porterhouse sounds so good. Let us know if it is. My boyfriend loves to watch Good Eats but he doesn’t cook too often
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