The Pale Green Phone Box

Yes, pale green. My grandfather, for reasons I never did think to explore, had at some point purchased or obtained by other means a pale green wooden phone booth that was in the back yard of their house for the longest time. He used it for storage, which is a bit silly because it was only slightly larger than its modern glass and metal counterparts. I was thinking about it a week or so ago, lamenting the fact that it wasn’t until recently I’d discovered Doctor Who. If I’d watched the show as a child I’m almost certain my grandfather could have converted that old green American phone booth into a old blue British police box. It wouldn’t have taken much, and he was very good with tools and all. Shoot, I’d probably have been happy if he’d painted it blue and left the windows in it. The picture below is not his actual phone booth, but it’s the closest I could find on the Internet. It’s pretty much as I remember it, except his was green, had a door, and the top panels on the sides were windows with four panes of glass. And I *think* the phone in his was against the back wall, but I was only able to open the door once and I was very young.

So, anyway. That’s the story of the Pale Green Telephone Booth.

In other news, it seems TreeSap and one of her co-workers was talking about me during their start of shift routine. This could be a problem, because much like what Simon draws, the things they talk about come true. The last time they demonstrated this, um, power, for me I jokingly told them to talk about me ending up in bed with a cute blonde. Lo and behold on my next off-cycle that very thing happened, but not quite in the context I was looking for. K stayed the night and when the A/C switched on in the morning it woke her up, scared her, and she came and spent the last hour or so of the night in bed with me.

So, what they were talking about this time is TreeSap and me ending up married, but I die of a heart attack shortly after, possibly during the consummation of our nuptials. I told them one of us would have to transfer first, and since TreeSap can’t due to disciplinary issues I’d have to go to the store across town and become a Stepford Manager. Those folks over there are so under the thumb of the Facility Manager I’m not sure how they function when he’s on vacation. Which I suppose is good for him, but disastrous for them when they leave the safety of their own store. A lot of people get promoted out of that store and then leave the company, sometimes by choice, usually by force. So. There you have it. Me being nostalgic and silly all in the same entry, and in detail to boot.

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August 2, 2011

RYN: It was from a little place across the street. Just lettuce, meat cheese and salsa.

August 2, 2011