And a big “NO” to the international assignments

Yeah, the new policy pretty well reads: "should you be interested in an overseas assignment but do not currently posses dual citizenship and/or fluency in more languages than C-3PO please add your name to the list and if the entire population of the host country you wish to be assigned to is wiped out by plague we will then consider your application but even then it will most likely be rejected."

They were nicer about it, but that’s the upshot.


On a lighter note I have my front and back doors adorned with wreaths now and my tree is up. Yes, I’m twenty-four hours early according to ToyMan family tradition but I’ll let myself slide just this once. Again.

On a not so light note, I got a letter from the landlord today stating that there had been reports of people trespassing on the trail down to the river. Um, reports from who if you felt the need to send us all letters? And of course a reminder that the river, the path, and all river access points were off limits for our safety and that of our guests, blah, blah, blah and he’d be marking the areas with No Trespassing signs.

That sucks. I hope he only puts signs up. If he chains off the path I’m gonna be a little pissed. Yes it needs work but the kids, Critter, and I have all managed it several times without incident, and my downstairs neighbor went fishing almost every day this past summer.

The letter also stated that we should call the landlord if we saw trespassers so he could have them removed from the property, and that he would be sending letters to the neighboring land owners to enlist their cooperation as well.

If I can’t take the kids down to the river anymore I might as well just flipping move. That would suck.

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