One year ago today…

I got sunburned as all get out and was rescued (at my request) by a can of Solarcaine delivered in the middle of the night by Critter. And Michael Jackson and Farrah Faucet both died.

Ikea is having a sale, unfortunately my shelves are not part of it.

Saw a special on the oil spill on the Weather Channel tonight. It was pretty informative, and fairly objective. You’ve got to wonder what’s going on in Washington right now since the MSM is starting to call them out on their lack of any sort of useful action. And it’s not like they could have done much but stay out of the way and temporarily lift any federal regulations that might hinder the effort. You know, like ordering a good chunk of the skimmer fleet back to port so they could be checked for life vests, telling the operators of other skimming vessels around the region that they should stay where they are, "in case there’s an oil spill." Got to love that one.

I’m bored. Hell, my TiVo is bored: there’s nothing on my To-Do list until Sunday morning when Inuyasha comes on. The only thing on it today was Miami Medical (I LOVE that show!).

I’m watching the premier of Memphis Beat right now, I’m thinking I might like that one. If I do it’ll be the first TNT summer series that’s interested me.

Upgraded my iPhone to iOS 4 today and discovered that the option to use it as a modem is now available to AT&T users, but only if we give up our unlimited data plan and pay an additional twenty or thirty dollars a month in addition to whichever data plan we switch to. Filthy buggers. Of course if I hadn’t upgraded the OS I could have done a simple "jailbreak" hack on my phone and done it anyway. Crap. I really don’t see what the big deal is, I’m already paying for unlimited data, did they not really mean "unlimited" when they sold it to me? Goobers.

So I pretty well wasted the day today and totally didn’t mean to. I’ve got to stop doing that. I’ve got to start walking again.

I’ve got the candles going, I’ll need to buy replacements for them soon; I’ve been using them a lot. The incense burner I bought is a little cranky. It seems it doesn’t get enough air into it to even smolder the incense. Oh well, it looks neat when it is working. I’ve been using the other one as a tea light holder and I’ve killed four tea lights since I bought it.

I’ve been off my ADHD meds for a while now, at least a month. Or maybe right at a month. I’m not sure. SQUIRREL! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’m still able to focus. Mostly. I’m really twitchy though.

I should have been a cop. Yes, the money sucks, but there’s a sense of purpose that you don’t get as a retail manager. Every day I go in and it’s the same thing. No matter what I do, every day it’s the same thing: change that end cap, idiotic direction from corporate, yet another recall of something silly for an even sillier reason (the last one was for Iams canned cat food that didn’t have enough vitamin B in that production run). Having to use an absorbent towel on waste milk because it’s considered a "Hazardous Material" (I’m not kidding) and we can’t just pour it down the drain anymore.

As harsh as it sounds I really miss the days when common sense won out over silly environmental concerns (Milk is a hazardous material? Really?) and idiots were allowed to be idiots and remove their obviously flawed genomes from circulation in ever so creative ways. Seriously, do we need warnings on irons saying that they get hot when used? Jesus.

I saw a short segment of House Hunters International today. OK, it was more like heard it behind the on-screen program guide, but this American husband and wife were looking at houses in the French countryside, and the wife was complaining about the windows. She said that in America they weren’t so big, and they had screens, and how was she supposed to keep her two-year-old from jumping out the windows that were so big and had no screens?!?! The real estate agent suggested that perhaps she could teach her two-year-old not to jump out of windows. It was classic…

FarmVille, the greatest life-suck on Facebook, is now available on the ever-growing family of iDevices made by Apple. iGeek productivity is going to bottom out pretty quickly, I’m fairly certain. This may be how the Borg got their start…

D isn’t grounded anymore, I’m not sure what kind of penance he did. Maybe it was the only way Critter could keep from beating him, lol.

I’m so bored.

Memphis Beat is going to be a keeper if they are all this good.

Ember’s been having fun, yay on her. I really need to get down there and see her. I also need to get on the ball and get caught up on my student loan payments.

I’m going to finish up Memphis Beat and head to bed. I have to go to the cabin sometime this weekend and turn everything I just turned off back on since my parents are coming back next week. I should find a way to do that remotely, but it would require an Internet connection and there isn’t one up there right now.

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