What the Crap? Part 2
OK. It seems Critter was willing to try and work some stuff out with OtherGuy. She didn’t want him living with her, she wasn’t going to marry him any time soon, but she wanted him to try and work out his issues. She was willing to "date" him, if he was working on his issues. And that really is what she meant: he asks, she accepts, he comes and picks her up, they have a good time, he drops her off, done. Maybe the occasional bout of sex but not on a regular basis. Normal boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. I would have cautioned against it, so that’s probably why she didn’t tell me, but she really did have a lot invested in the relationship.
He stayed over on Wednesday night. Today, he decides to tell her (in a text message no less) that he was tired of waiting for her so he guessed it was off. Browsing through his MySpace you find that he stayed with someone else last night, and who knows how many times before that. From the way they commented back and forth to each other it seems they had sex.
Critter is devastated. I was supposed to run into town, grab something I needed from Lowe’s, run back out to her place and then we’d spend the day playing video games or walking in the park, whatever. Normal friend stuff. I was on my way into town when she called and told me all that stuff, so I turned around and sat with her for a bit. She just kept going further downhill (I think OtherGuy was texting her) and after about twenty minutes she said she really wasn’t sure she could be around people just then, so I told her I’d go, but she was to CALL ME if she wanted to or needed to.
Just got a text, she’s doing better. Right before I left, I reciprocated the offer she was going to make to me last year. Just after I got her latest text I sent one back telling her that if she wanted to she could stay the night tonight like she did when her car was in the shop. I told her I had dinner and breakfast food enough so even if she had the kids that wasn’t a problem. I told her this offer had nothing to do with the other offer, she could take either, both, or none and I would not be offended. It’s just that she slept so well and was so relaxed last time she stayed over. I’m just trying to help out a friend. And if you follow the link you’ll find we can behave ourselves…
hope it all starts to work out soon.
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