Told ya I’d be back

Just finished watching Caprica and I think I’m really going to like it! It’s different from BSG, but that’s a good thing too. And honestly, to be able to see the very first Centurion going from a bumbling klutz to a relentless killing machine was cool. And of course the very first "By your command" in that so familiar mechanical voice. The centurion voice in this one sounds a whole lot more like the original 70’s Cylons than the "old model" centurions in the latest BSG did. I wonder what they are doing differently. Anyway, I know now why the pilot was straight to DVD and didn’t air on Sci-Fi: there’s a few scenes with topless women in them. It’s not an in-your-face thing and it’s not gratuitous, but it kind of kills the whole basic cable thing, ya know?

About to head out for some snacks, maybe. I really don’t want to, but I’m getting a little crazy here in the house. Speaking of which there is a house closer in to town (and therefore farther from work, but…) that is two hundred dollars a month cheaper than what I’m paying now, and it’s the whole house, not just part of one. They want a five hundred dollar deposit that I don’t have though. And as much as I’d like to save the money on rent I’d have to drop utilities back in to the mix and it might be a wash at that point as old as the house is. It’s got single-pane windows and I don’t think it has central air, so I may be better off staying where I am for now. I wonder if I could get a smaller place that would hold all my stuff for about five or six hundred dollars a month?

It has become more and more obvious to me that I rented this place for a family I’m not going to have. As much as I like the place it’s too much for just me. I mean, before Ember, Amber, and Jerm moved away I thought it would be great for entertaining, and it would be, but there’s no one to entertain. And of course there’s the two Amandas: S and I have just gone our separate ways, which I sometimes regret but not often, and C is a lot different since she lost her job. She’s quieter somehow. And when she’s with her husband she’s a completely different person, so not much benefit in having them over for a cookout since I don’t know her "couple" personality that well and I have nothing at all in common with her husband.

But this place is *so* nice. It’s big, I’m a quarter-mile off the highway behind trees and a lake so I rarely hear the traffic. It’s very private, therefore conducive to my nudism. I don’t have to worry about a neighbor being bothered by an accidental flash since you pretty well have to be looking into my apartment to see into it, there’s no line-of-sight past my windows to anything else. Besides, how many other places around here am I going to be able to sit out on my front porch and eat lunch, read a book, or play on my laptop with no clothes on? For some reason people around here went nuts clearing views of the highway when they put up houses and trailers and pretty much anything else. Why live out in the country if you’re going to cut the trees down?

If I can find a properly configured trailer somewhere along the same highway I’m on and set back a ways off the road I may do that, but I probably won’t rent that house. It’s not even fifty feet back from the road so I’d have to hang curtains and keep them closed all the time and that’s the same thing that frustrated me about the townhouse style apartment I had in town.

Oh well. I might be back later, but I’m not sure.

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May 20, 2009

Since you really like where you are now, you have the luxury of time with finding another ‘better’ place. If you can still afford where you are now I’d just stick with it because once you move you can’t (normally) go back. Then you’re stuck with the possibility of being unhappy.