The call-in
OK, I totally don’t remember what was going on in the last entry with the call-in, but I’m sure it seemed important at the time.
We had a district inspection at the store today and we had a pretty rough night. Queeg was flipping out but the store looked really good when she got in, even without taking into account the problems we had. Of the fourteen people we had on the schedule: one didn’t call or show up, one was fired two days ago for the same offense (not that she knows it yet), one called in sick due to migrane, and one called in due to an injury. It takes a minimum of six people to do the other side of the store properly, and I need five people to get my side done. I know, we had ten and we only need eleven, right? Nope, those numbers are for the second tier departments. There are five people every night that are dedicated to first tier (absolutley *must* get done or day shift can’t function) departments and I only had four of those people in the original fourteen (we are in the middle of replacing someone else I fired and she’ll be out of training and properly scheduled next week) so we started one short, lost four more, and had to spread out. We put five people in those departments, the other manager needed four to even try to get done, so that left me with one plus me.
We got all but one department done, and we didn’t get the stuff that came in at the return desk put away. I think we rocked. Queeg didn’t seem to think so. Bitch.
Fortunately I got out of there before the district folks showed up for the thingy. It’s a Total Store Operations Evaluation, or TSOE (pronounced "so"). My opinion of the whole thing is that my employees got a bonus for the past eligibility period, which tells me we’re doing something right even if we haven’t crossed all the T’s and dotted all the I’s and sacrificed the requisite number of goats to our Founder’s patron spirit. Just leave us alone and let us do our jobs please….
I’m watching some stuff on the TiVo and I’ll probably fall asleep doing so, but I thought I’d get this done first.
RYN – I am going to talk to a shrink ( I can’t go to mine, he’s recovering from his ear being eaten) about adult ADD. I think my bipolar disorder makes things like I wrote about hard, but it has gotten so much worse in the last year or so. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Helps a lot!
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ryn, I don’t know that I’m even walking away.. where would I go? Still.
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