But we’ll stay.

Once again, I still exist. It’s all good.

  • Things with Noel are different, I think. Well, no, they are. I have feelings for him, damn it all to hell, and I’m going to do something stupid (like make that known to him) soon. I will.
  • I’ve still passed all my classes. That’s nice.
  • I might change my major to biology, you know, get my bachelor’s in that, get my graduate degrees in marine bio. I can’t afford Maine, no matter what.
  • I have a kitten. Her name is Charlie, we’ve had her since July, and our other cat still hates her. That’s funny, cause Charlie absolutely adores her.
  • I took Italian and drawing last semester (and archaeology, but no one cares, that class was deadly dull), and not only am I okay at Italian, but I love drawing. Go figure.
  • I went on a road trip with Casey and my aunt in July. We went to Yellowstone (fucking amazing) and Park City, UT. My family also took a trip up to Mammoth in August. I liked all of that.
  • Um.
  • I’m twenty. That’s wild.
  • I’m half-frozen on this New Year’s Eve, but that’s okay. Or something.

And that’s it! I always feel a bit bad about these mass updates, but sometimes, they’re necessary. I’ll keep you updated on any fronts that require it, or something to that effect.

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December 31, 2012

Good to hear from you! Happy New Year 🙂