In the end, time may take me.

 Okay, so. Let’s get to this.

  • I passed all of my classes. Even chemistry.
  • Things fizzled with David before they started, but it actually doesn’t bug me.
  • Luis called me. I got off the phone pretty quickly with the excuse of homework (also, I’m taking a summer class that ends next week). I also decided that next time he tries to talk to me, I’ll make him (at least) sixty dollars poorer because I want to go to the Long Beach Aquarium. If you pull stuff like this with me, then do not expect to just get away with it.
  • Carpinteria was flawless.
  • I’ve slept a lot.

All in all, you haven’t missed much! Guys, I am so boring.

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July 14, 2012

Congrats on passing everything 🙂 Your life doesn’t sound boring!