I’m not sure how I feel about this.

 I just sent Luis a message, asking if he wanted to go to the Getty next weekend.

I’m not sure if I still do genuinely like him, if I’m using him for his car/money/ability to take me places that I really want to go to, or if I’m just so lonely that any sort of human interaction that isn’t Casey would be fucking wonderful.

I hope he says yes.

This kid in my bio class/lab is really cute, and seems pretty sweet. Blake. I don’t want to like him, not really, but I really want him to like me. I just want that gratification, you know? That feeling of someone really liking you. I haven’t felt that since high school, and I’m only just now really realising that it might not have been as silly for him as it was for me. But, whatever, hindsight is 20/20.

Right now, I just want something interesting to happen. My life is so boring.

Of course.

Fifteen minutes after posting this, I was walking to the mall to meet Casey, since she got out of class early. Well, I’m just walking down the sidewalk, trying not to get blown over by the wind, when who else would drive by but Luis? Yep. I’m just walking along when I hear, "SARAH!" He stops at the crosswalk and talks to me out the window of his car, and I’m just over here, like, errr, I don’t know what to say. It was cosmically hilarious.

Casey and I were talking about it on the bus ride back. I told her that I wasn’t sure about this, that I was still upset. She told me that she’d spoken to Josh and Saris about it, about him, and apparently, he didn’t forget or anything. He was truly shaken. I know I’ve probably talked about it before, but this time, it’s 100% certain. He was thrown for a loop.

Well then.

Whatever, I don’t even know if there will be anything to share after this.

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