It’s gloomy. I love it.

I’m at the other COC campus with Casey. She’s in her class, taking a test and deeply dreading it all, although I know she’ll do really well. We’ve been here (in the area, not on campus) since six, and it’s been foggy all morning. Finally, about twenty minutes ago, it really started raining. I’ve always loved the rain. I find it quite lovely. A grey sky is a good one. So far, I’ve done most of the rainy-day things you’re supposed to do. Well, three of them: drink scalding hot cocoa, spend a ridiculous amount of time on the internet, and hunker down in a warm room. So it’s all good.

So he doesn’t get off until two. Honestly, I think Casey is twice as excited as the two of us combined. That is precisely why we’re best friends. More later. Maybe.

It was kind of ridiculously amazing. Just the whole day altogether.

After Casey finished her test, she met up with me in the study lounge, and we spent about half an hour in there, chilling. Then, when she went back to her class, I followed to crash and sit and doodle in her notebook.

Sarkis picked us up afterward and we drove to the mall, spent a ton of time in Hot Topic and Brookstone. Luis got off at three, after a very heated argument between the two of us and him.

We had Dinner at Johnny Rocket’s, which was just a riot. Then, we went to see My Soul to Take. I didn’t want to see it, because I really don’t like horror movies unless they’re really campy and bad. I mean, I was raised on Scream. The first two. The movie was okay; I liked parts of it, like the cinematography and music, but the dialogue/acting was kind of crappy at times. But I loved the villain. Honestly, I love sinister, sarcastic bad guys.

Then, the car ride home. It was insane. Luis was having like four different conversations with us, and I don’t know, it was just hilarious. We stopped at this place called Vista Point on the way home. It’s gorgeous at night; it overlooks the city, and the lake reflects everything back. I wish that the freeway wasn’t right there behind us because that kind of messed it up, but it was so lovely.

On the ride to Casey’s house, actually, Luis kept touching my hands. I honestly kind of want him to make a move — he’s constantly finding a way to touch me. Why won’t he just grab my hand and smile?

Meh. I’m too much of a romantic sometimes. Chalk it up to the fact that I’m seventeen.

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October 15, 2010

The lyrics and songs are definitely very fitting sometimes! & Have fun spending time with him (:

October 15, 2010

Ooooh sounds fantastic in every way! I’m a romantic as well. Actually, I think I’ve just seen too many teenage-romance movies! Maybe you should surprise him and grab his hand instead đŸ˜‰