Not very good at this

 I realized how horrible I have been at actually writing in here when I checked it the other day.  I read other’s and note when I can.  But I am just horrible at writing for myself I guess.

It’s been a busy year.  Kids are all doing great and continue to grow like weeds.  Oldest is 7, middle is 4, and the baby is already 2.  Time sure flies by!

Oldest had surgery in June to get his tonsils and adenoid removed.  that was a good yet hard 10 days.  But now that we are on the other side of it all it’s nice that it’s over with.  It truly did change alot of things for him, all for the better.

Both of the older boys’ have been in swimming lessons this summer.  They had a blast and it never lasts as long as they would like it to.

Our little guy learned to walk this summer.  And now he’s having a blast exploring all of the new places his little chubby legs can take him.  

Took our annual trip to visit family in June.  As always it was…..interesting.  MIL was in rare form like always.  She showed her true colors this year though when she became angry over stupid crap and ended up calling me, my hubby, SIL and her boyfriend all a bunch of stupid idiots who wouldn’t amount to anything and would be responsible for ruining this country.  So when this world goes to pieces, you all will know who to blame now.  lol   Next day she acted as if nothing had ever happened and all was well.  Whatever, we all have a totally different opinion of her now and it won’t change.  She lost her credibility, respect, and our tolerance for her crap with that little statement.  Not to mention she had a million other negative things to say about everyone while we were there and treated us all like crap. she had to sneak around and be secretive thinkign she was all clever.  But when the shoe was on the other foot, she didn’t care so much for everyone else doing things/going palces and leaving her behind.  You get what you get I guess!  She actually got ticked at hubby and I because our middle son came down with a fever while we were there.  We had no idea why.  He spent the majority of 3 days in bed resting and fighting that stupid fever.  And she acted like him being sick was a huge inconvenience to her!  Whatever, I’m over her.  Never had much patience for her in the first place but even less now. 

While on that trip I had some good times.  I love my hubby’s Aunt/Uncle that we stay with.  They are the most awesome people I’ve met.  Very down to earth and lots of fun to be around.  His aunt and I get along SOOOOO well (and it drives my MIL crazy!) so we do alot of things together, spend alot of time talking and stuff.  We find ourselves staying up until the sun comes up talking and whatever most every night while we are there!  And because I spend so much time with them my MIL gets ticked and usually ends up going to bed.  So when DH’s aunt had to go to the ER in the middle of the night and I was still up with her, she asked me to go with her.  MIL hated that when she found out the next day, but who cares.  Then a few days later DH’s aunt and I went to pick up her hubby from his class reunion.  And when we got home, he stepped out of the truck and blacked out and ended up falling straight back from his full 6’4" standing height onto his back on the concrete garage floor.  It was like watching a tree fall in slow motion and then you hear the sickening thump of the head as it bounced off the concrete.  I jumped out (was sitting right behind him in the truck) and when I got to him he was sweating profusely, eyes wide open but totally rolled back in his head so all you could see were the whites and he was totally unconscious.  But he was breathing and his heart was still beating, so that was good (he has a heart condition).  I reached my hands behind his head and when I pulled them out there was blood.  So Aunt G stood there with him and I ran to call 911.  Ended up taking him in to the ER by ambulance where we spend the next few hours while he faded in and out of consciousness.  CT scan was clear so they just let him sleep and watched him a bit and when they figured it was good enough, they sent him home with us.  He had quite the nobs on the back of his head, some abrasions from the concrete, a few bruises all over his body and was sore from head to toe the next day.  But the most important thing was he was ok.    But when my MIL found out all of this had happened she was TICKED becuse she didn’t get to ‘be involved’.  Who cares about stuff like that?!?!?!?  She could have gotten ‘involved’ if she hadn’t run off to bed as soon as we left to get him (only gone about 1/2 hour total) or she could have gotten up when she ‘heard the sirens and commotion’ when the ambulances all arrived.  Just one more thing for her to bitch at eveyrone over and to hold over my head because  it was ‘her brother not yours’ and she felt she had a God given right to be there.  Oh well, her own brother even told her he didn’t need her kind of help when she cornered him in the hallway the next morning.  He said he had two helpers that knew what to do and took good care ofhim.  I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself when I hear him put  her in her place.  lol  But she was even more irked after that.  I don’t know what kind of help she thought she’d be, she doesn’t knwo how to do anything about anything.  Maybe she thought her semester of nursing school she took over 30 years ago might be of help.  lol

Overall, it was a fun trip.  Kids’ got to see their Aunt that came from CA.  It’s been 2 years since they last saw her and it’s been over 4 years since we’ve all last seen her boyfriend.  so it was a nice visit to see them again.  Plus, she brought super cool R/C cars for the boys’ so she got a few brownie points there too I think.  lol  I’m glad we only have to see my MIL/FIL once a year though.  A few days each year is more than enough of putting up with them.  Yikes.

But now it’s back to reality.  Oldest son is in summer school right now, has a week and a half left yet.  He loves it, so that helps.  

Gearing up for the quickly approaching start to the new school year. Hard to believe that I’ll have two in school this year already.  The house sure will be quiet with two out of the three gone.  🙁  Time just keeps marching forward.

Well, that’s about all that’s been going on here.  No guarantees of how much I will write here.  But I’ll try.  Maybe when more time becomes available this fall.  Who knows!  Only time will tell.

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August 2, 2011

I’m so glad you took the time to write!! It’s been SO long. I CANNOT believe the baby is 2 already!!! Where does the time go?!