Answer me this…..

Do this. Note me an answer


1. Are you a regular reader, an occasional reader or a first-time reader?


2. Am I on your "favorites" list?


3. Do you note me regularly, and vice versa?


4. Name three facts about me.


5. What do you enjoy reading about MOST in my diary?


6. What do you wish I’d write MORE about?


7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page?


8. About how old do you think I am, based on my entries? You guys already know how old i am. LOL


9. Describe me in three words.


10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be?

Log in to write a note
October 3, 2009

Yes, Yes, sometimes, Ur a SAHM with 3 boys & you went through hell and back to fullfill a mans wish, anything you have to say, just wish you’d write more what you may find boring isn’t boring!, No idea what’s on your front page, 33, nurturing kind patient, Advice? You seem to be doing just fine!!! 😀

October 8, 2009

RYN: I went with the silver I like the blue and purple But Target didnt have those options LOL. I plan on posting some pictures from it tomorrow. Im having alot of fun learning everything about it.