
I’ve not been doing very good at keeping up on writing here.  I do read and get a chance to note on occasion but that seems to be about the extent of it these days.

Everyone keeps reminding me they need to see pics of the new little man in my life and the other two little guys too.  And they all get all indignent when I tell them I haven’t got around to it yet.  Some seem to think that I am intentionally just not sending pics to them, not true.  I have been meaning to get around to downloading pics, just haven’t yet.    Heck, truth be told I haven’t downloaded pics off of my camera since the end of July last year!  so yeah, I am a tad bit behind.  lol


But anyway.  Life has been good.  Transitioning from two kiddos to three was easier than I had ever expected.  I even venture out from time to time alone with the three of them and can handle it all quite well.


It’s been HOT here.  Ugh.  I am very thankful for central air and AC in the car.  I grew up with out it and it never seemed to matter.  But I tell ya what, I am soooo spoiled by it now.  lol


The two youngest kiddos had their regular check ups yesterday.  My oldest was a little perturbed that he didn’t get to have the Dr check him out.  Weird kid I tell ya!  lol 

J went for his 2 1/2 year check up.  He’s doing very well and hitting all the developmental milestones like he should.  He weighed in at 32 1/2 lbs (50%)  and was 35 1/2 inches tall (75%).  He’s growing so nicely.  I am always just a little shocked to think of him being in the 50-75% ranges on growth charts after having his big brother who was always in the 90%+ ranges from day one.  lol

E went in for his one month check up.  (Has it really been a whole month already?!?!?)  And he’s doing just as great as his big brother.  He weighed in at 12 lbs (50%) and was almost 23 inches long (75%).  Dr said "another perfect child, like usual".  lol  The only thing that we have to get checked is she detected a heart murmur yesterday.  So she recommended we take him to see our peds cardiologist.  I’m not really all that concerned about it since both of the older boys have a murmur too.  They’ve been checked and it’s been deemed to be what they call an innocent murmur, which is basically one that is not of any consequence to them, won’t harm them or restrict their activities in life.  But we’ll take E in and have him checked just so we know where we are.  But other than that he is an absolutely healthy little boy.  He goes back next month for his 2 month cehck up and shots.


Well, I’m off.  It’s been a busy, busy week and day so far.  Today I have done two loads of laundry (with many more to go), one load of dishes, cleaned up the living room, and have had the AC repair guy here already this morning.  But I figured while I had a few minutes to sit down I would update here for change before getting back to it.

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June 24, 2009

going from 2 to 3 was hard for me. I’ve heard 3 to 4 is easier, and for me i’m sure it will since i have extra hands now.

June 24, 2009

Both of my boys have innocent murmurs as well. So happy to hear that things are going well for you! I’d imagine that between the little guy and the two older boys you’re on the go all day long! And loving every moment! 🙂