Boredom Buster

1. What birds do you commonly see in your town/city/province?
Cardinals, robins, sparrows, red winged black birds, yellow finches, and a bunch of others

2. What region of the U.S. do you live in? If you don’t live in the U.S., what color is your underwear?

3. Do you usually take public transportation to get to and fro?

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Last week

5. How long does it take you to get to school/work?
however long it takes to get from upstairs to downstairs. lol  I’m a SAHM

6. Is your city racially diverse? If not, would you like it to be?
The village we live in, no not really.

7. Do you prefer flowery scents or fruity scents?

8. Is your school/work surrounded by fast food joints?

9. Do you own any sexy lingerie?
not really

10. Do you put salt on your fruit?
on melon only

11. What’s the last thing you microwaved?
a cup of water

12. What time does your school/work start/end?
from son up to son down!  lol 

13. What does your voicemail say? Or is it just the plain jane standard greeting?
Whatever my hubby programmed on it

14. Have you ever sent an e-card to someone?

15. What did you get for your last birthday?
a ring from my Mom, carwash coupons and iTunes GC from hubby.

16. When you turn on the TV, what channel do you flip to first?
whatever I feel like.  Usually though I just go to the menu of the DVR to see what is recorded.

17. Is Crayola your preferred brand of artistic supplies?

18. When you write, does ink/lead tend to get on the side of your hand?

19. Do you think your boobs can get any bigger?
yeah they could

20. Where did you get your iPod/MP3 Player?
from DH for my birthday, it came from eBay

21. Do you think you have nice writing?
sometimes if I try at it.

22. What are your talents?
none that I know of.

23. Welcome to Subway, What can I get you?
 Subway melt with all of the fixings

24. Are the spaces between the keys on your keyboard dirty?

25. Have you ever had a tonsil stone?

26. When was the last time you’ve been to the dentist?
a few weeks ago

27. Are there a lot of spiders in your house?
Not really.

28. What about ants?

29. Do you feel that any part of your body is big? If so, what?


30. Name a song, any song.
You are my Sunshine

31. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
Yep, I married him.

32. What is the best thing about your job?
I get to spend every day with my kids watching them grow up.

33. Are you touchy feely?
Not especially, but sometimes I have my moments. 

34. What are two of your favorite places to eat?
TGIFriday’s, Freighthouse (local) or McDonald’s and Taco John for fast food

35. Are you Irish in any way?
not that I am aware of

36. Have you ever drank Jack Daniels?

37. You and Jesus go out to dinner — who pays?
It’s free…who would have the nerve to charge Jesus.<—-I’d have to agree

38. Pick one state in the U.S. to get rid of permanently?

39. What’s a weapon to suit your personality, habits and abilities?
I have no idea

40. Favorite carnival food (everyone has one)?
  Funnel cakes and cotton candy

41. Favorite food to eat after you’ve been drinking?
I have no idea

42. When was the last time you got a good workout?
everyday, after all I have two very active boys!

43. What were you doing at 11:59 pm on Friday night?
Sitting up with my newest son, probably feeding him.

44. Is your bedroom window open?

45. Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?

46. Describe what you’re wearing in detail?
Burgundy tshirt from my college, black shorts

47. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Depends on who I’m talking to.

48. Do you remember the first person you kissed?
Yep, again, I married him.  lol

49. Have you ever kissed someone you weren’t dating?

50. Do you like sharpies?
They come in handy

51. Kissed someone that had a gf/bf?

52. Ever kissed someone younger than you?
Yes, every day.

53. Older than you?

54. Have you ever kissed someone you didn’t like?

55. Do you regret your last kiss?

56. What does the 7th message in your text inbox say?
no text inbox messages for me

57. What does your last outgoing text say?
nothing, don’t text

58. What time did you get up today?

59. Quote something from last night.
"Momma, I don’t like these ‘egetables"  — my oldest son who was trying to get out of eating the veggies on his dinner plate.  lol

60. What are you listening to currently?

TV on in the background and my son making little noises in his sleep.

61. Do you dye eggs every year for Easter?
Not every year.  Depends on what we are doing and where we are going to be.

62. What tastes better, cookie dough or the actual baked cookies?
Both are pretty good

63. Have you ever had banana bread? Do you like it?
Yes and yes

64. Did you/will you have a Sweet Sixteen? Why or why not?
No, not really.  Got presents that I didn’t expect (my Mom gave me a CD player/boombox and the way she let me know that was by giving me a CD that had the song You’re sixteen, You’re Beautiful and You’re Mine on it.)

65. What shows did you watch when you were a toddler?
No clue

66. Who’s your favorite character from Batman?
No clue

67. What year did you/will you graduate from high school?

68. If you see a penny on the ground, do you pick it up?

69. Last time you went grocery shopping?

70. Did you ever know someone who went on welfare?

71. Would you have sex before you were married?

72. What’s your font on AIM?
don’t use AIM

73. What kind of haircutdo you have?
shoulder length with lots of layers

74. Would you ever get a pixie cut or a mohawk?

75. Do you put chopped-up fruit in your cereal?

76. Where’s your current love interest at the moment?
At work.  The other three little ones are napping.

77. Do you play the Sims?
Used to, when I had more time.

78. Do you straighten your hair?

79. Is gay marriage wrong?
Who has the power to declare right or wrong?

80. You find a wallet with $20 in it and the address is that of a house two doors down from you. Do you return it to your neighbo

r or keep it?
Return it!

81. Who’s the last person you texted?
no one, don’t text

82. Do you have a "friend" that you actually don’t like?

83. What internet slang do you use most frequently?

84. What’s currently bugging you?
That I still hurt if I spend a lot of time on my feet.

85. Do you like lady bugs?
not really.  maybe because I haven’t seen a "real" lady bug in years.

86. Do people who take their religion too seriously bother you?
I have no problem with people taking their religion seriously.  I do have a problem with those who are religious when it suits them best, when they can pass judgment on someone else, or when they try to force their beliefs on me and tell me how wrong I am for my beliefs.

87. Do you honestly think you have good morals?
I’d like to think so.

88. What’s the weather outside like?
low 80’s and sunny with a slight breeze, it’s actually pretty nice out.

89. Have you ever gone to a rave?

90. If someone offered you weed right now, what would you do?
Say "no thank you"

91. What’s your least favorite game to play in gym class?
Overall, hated gym class.  Especially swimming.

92. Do you know any real racists?
No I don’t think so

93. If braces were free, would you get them?

94. Do you think Wikipedia is a reliable source?
It’s pretty decent.

95. Last topic you wrote a research about?
The effects of divorce on juvenile delinquency.

96. What should you be doing?
Cleaning the house, doing laundry, getting back into the swing of things again.

97. Do you know what college you want to go to?
I’ve been to a few, have a couple degrees.  But I still don’t know what I really want to be when I grow up.  lol

98. Are you overweight or underweight for your height?
I would likely be considered overweight.

99. Elvis or James Dean?
Either, it would just depend.

100. Are you in a good mood?
Sure, it’s Friday how can you be in a bad mood?  lol

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May 30, 2009

From son up to son down. That was a cute line!