38 1/2 weeks

Oye vey!  That about sums it all up.  lol


Well, so I am still pregnant.  38 weeks going on 39 weeks in a few days.  10 days left to go and counting. 


Had a regular weekly check up today.  Baby’s heart rate sounded really good.  Baby is head down and staying that way, so that’s a good thing.  My weight is still good.  BP was good, would have been better had the nurse used the correct cuff on me, but what ya gonna do.


I went grocery shopping after I got done and boy did I get tired out.  By the time I got to the car I was walking like a turtle.  lol  But I got what I needed so that’s what matters I guess.


I have flowers that I need to plant but I have no motivation to go out and do that.  But I don’t want them to die so I think I better just suck it up and go out and do it.

Found out  a couple of days ago that a long time close family friend passed away.  It was a real shocker.  He’s not a whole lot older than I am.  I guess they discovered a bleed in the brain and airlifted him to Rochester to the Mayo Hospital.  Once he was there he suffered an actual aneurysm.  The next morning the brain scans determined that he was brain dead, so they unhooked him from all support and he quickly passed.  Real shocker.   He had finally got his life back on track and was doing well too.  Life is so unpredictable and way to short sometimes.


Well, that’s about it for me I think.  It’s getting darker outside, it’s supposed to rain.  So I think I might go and get those flowers planted so they can benefit from the nice refreshing rain.  Then I can sit down and put my feet up for the rest of the day (hopefully). 

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May 5, 2009

*hugs* I remember this stage! It is misery, so close to being done though 😀 Soon you’ll have a sweet little one to love to pieces. RYN: My website is http://www.laurie-dayal.com 😀