36 weeks

I am 36, well actually almost 37 weeks now.  In two days I will be officially considered "full term" and ok to deliver at any time.  Scary, huh?  yeah. 

Had my last 2 week check up yesterday.  Everything is going well.  My weight is doing awesome.  Of course, I’ve had ups and downs with that throughout, but the overall result so far is really awesome.  My midwife is very happy.

My BP is doing great.  Another good thing, makes life less worrisome that way.  My DH has a much higher BP than I do, even while I’m pregnant.  So I joke with him that maybe he should have carried this one and seen if it would have brought his BP down!  lol

Yesterday the midwife was a little concerned, I guess, about how quiet this little one is.  It’s not a real mover and shaker, that’s for sure.  With my last two they were always moving it seemed.  This one is just so…..laid back.  Every appointment the heart rate has always been strong and steady so I’ve never been concerned about anything.  Hearing that is always such a reassurance.  But she figured since we are getting so close to the end and it was still acting a little slow she wanted to err on the side of caution and do a NST test before I left the clinic.

So once my appt was over with they took me into a different room and hooked me up to the monitors.  I had to lay there for like a half hour hooked to them.  One monitored movement and heart rate, the other contractions.  The nurse got it all set up, brought me ice water to drink, then said she would be back in a few minutes to check on me.  I laid there listening to the heartbeat, then all of  a sudden it got super loud for a little bit then the room went absolutely silent.  I was just about to push the nurses button to call her back in when she walked back in.  I told her I think that the heartbeat got lost on the monitor, and it had.  So she readjusted the monitors and found it again.  A few seconds later it decided to disappear again.  So she finally ended up sitting on the edge of my bed having to hold it in place for the remiander of the time because ever few seconds it would wiggle just enough that the heartbeat would get lost on the monitor.  lol  But the funny thing is, it didn’t move enough for the monitors to pick up baby’s movement.  Little stinker.

My midwife came in a couple of times to see how things were going.  they decided to stimulate the baby to see how it reacted.  It didn’t move like they wanted it to, but the heart rate accelerated which was just as good for them.  No matter what that little stinker wouldn’t really move around for them.  But the heart rate indicated a strong, steady beat or accelerated beats, which is what they wanted to see.  So after about a half hour the midwife took the strip and went and checked it out against I don’t know what and then double checked the results with an OB who concurred it was perfectly normal and I could go home.

So I got unhooked and sent on my way.  Everything looks fine.  They figure this little one is just mellow and laid back.  I sure hope so!  lol  But she told me if I am ever concerned at home, just drink something with caffeine in it and lay on my left side.  If that doesn’t ease my concerns to call and go in and they will gladly do another NST test.  But wouldn’t you know it, last night after i was home, had eaten dinner and was just sitting around relaxing the little stinker decided to show off and wiggle all over for a while.  I can see this one has a sense of humor already.  lol

Now I am on weekly appts.  That seemed so surreal to be scheduling those.  Thinking about this pregnancy in terms of months didn’t seem so bad.  Thinking of it in terms of weeks, not so bad.  But when I stood there scheduling out the last few appts I would need before my due date and it came to 3 total it suddenly hit me how close we really are to meeting this little person.  It’s exciting, don’t get me wrong, but wow!  They scheduled a 4th appt for the week after my due date "just in case".  I hope there is no "Just in case".  lol  My Mom arrives in 17 days to visit.  If all is going well yet at that point she’ll go home for a couple of days, finish up work, then she’ll be back down to stay until the end of May.  So that is a relief knowing that soon someone will be ehre with me, just in case I need help with the boys while I run to the hospital to have this one.


In other news, I finally got a response regarding the tax situation I ahve been dealing with for the estate.  The State, thankfully, accepted my new attorney to handle the case.  the auditor actually seems cordial now, which is a good sign (I hope!).  She has outlined what she needs exactly finally.  So my attorney can now get all of that stuff submitted to her.  She gave us 30 days to get it all submitted, which won’t be an issue I don’t think since he’s been working on it already while he’s been waiting to hear back from her.  I’m just glad to be on the path to finally getting this all resolved.


My little guy has been so lovey dovey lately.  He’s usually not like that all that much.  But he’ll come and give me hungs and kisses over and over again whenever he thinks of it.  And he likes to sit on my lap and snuggle sometimes too.  That’s nice too.  And if I have to go somewhere and have toleave him home, he is all smiles and screaming "Mommy" when I get home as he rushes to meet me at the doors to be picked up and snuggled.  Hard to believe how soon he won’t be the ‘baby’ anymore.  He’s been a pretty cool little brother so far, can’t wait to see what he’s like as a big brother!

Tonight DH has a special dinner thing he has to go to.  So that means that the boys and I are on our own to do what we want.  So I figured it might be nice to find out what they want to do for dinner and we’ll just do that.  So I have a ‘date night’ planned with my two favorite little guys tonight.  🙂  Should be fun.

Well, that’s all for updates on this end.

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April 22, 2009

Wow, I can’t believe that you are only 3 weeks away from your due date!! I can’t wait to hear if its a boy or girl…I’m definately voting a girl!!