31 weeks

Well, I am officially 31 weeks 3 days into this pregnancy.  The time seems to just be flying by.  Everyone seems to have that feeling.

Everything seems to be going just fine.  My BP is doing great at 116/62, usually just a tad lower than that but still an excellent number.  My midwife said I’m doing absolutely excellent with my weight.  Usually I don’t gain any weight with pregnancies.  Well, I should say with my first I did, 12 lbs.  With my second I lost 12 lbs during the course of the pregnancy.  With this one I was losing up until 3 weeks ago when I had my first small weight increase.  But I can’t complain I’ve only gained a couple of pounds and usually a normal weight gain by this point would be between 24-27 lbs.  So I’m doing ok.  Makes it a little easier to get back to "normal" after delivery too.

Baby’s heart rate was strong and loud as usual.  Baby is active but I believe is running out of room pretty quickly to do all of the acrobatics that it would like to do at times.  lol

So 8 weeks or less to go.  Yikes! 

the boys are excited about the new baby.  K was telling us on the way to the Dr today that I just needed to be patient and wait at home and then a big truck would come and bring the baby to our house and we could put it in the baby chair and just take care of it.  lol  My midwife got a good laugh out of that one.  lol  I told her I hope this baby isn’t that big that a big truck has to deliver it!  It seems that every time we go to the midwife he comes up with something else to say about how the baby is going to get here.  When my midwife walked into the room today she asked how everyone was doing and K said to her "we’re here to get our baby today.  Ok?"  lol 


Next appt. is April 7th.  Then I get to do my birth plan and all of that fun stuff and I think get pre-registered for the hospital too.  It’;s getting down to the wire!

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March 17, 2009
March 17, 2009

Glad the pregnancy is going well 🙂 And yay on the little weight gain so far. Wish i would have had that problem with mine LOL