
I thought the nightmare in my life (aka as the Estate) was finally behind me for good.  I was finally able to breathe easier knowing that it was closed out and that I could finally move forward.

But no, that was not to be I guess.  Because today I got a nice little reminder in the mail that let me know that my nightmare is not quite yet over.  I got a letter from the Dept of Revenue in our state.  Apparently they have been reviewing the estate files so they can close them out or whatever.  Why this has taken over 6 months since we submitted it all and got a letter saying it was all in order and closed out I am not quite sure.  But alas, it is the government after all and there never seems to be a rational answer to any question regarding them.

Apparently there is some sort of mistake regarding the tax forms.  Something was submitted almost 2 years ago indicating where all fo the assets were coming from that were being accounted for in the estate.  Then the initial tax forms get submitted after a certain amount of time has passed.  And then of course are the final tax documents that get filed so it can all be closed out.  Apparently they are claiming that out of those 3 document submissions two had information omitted and they want, no it’s more like DEMAND, to know why.  We are to provide and explanation ASAP and submit all documentation to support our answer, etc. 

Since I was not the one that prepared the stuff I immediately contacted my attorney’s office to see what they can do to help get me out of this jam.  But alas, it is a Friday and my attorney wasn’t working.  His paralegal said she didn’t understand it so she would have to pass it to him when he returns next week.  but not to expect an answer until mid to late next week on what is going on with it.  I’m hoping it’s a simple fix that won’t cause WW III to break out amonst the other heirs if there truly was a huge mistake made that puts all of us on the line for more tax liability. 

My initial feeling about all of this is that it is a simple oversight, that something just wasnt put on the correct forms like it hsould have been but really was accounted for accurately.  I’m kind of thinking that might be it since each of us received the special tax forms we needed to have as heirs had the taxable amounts on there that we were each responsible for.  Those came from the state.  And I am assuming that had there really been a problem with those documents, that anyone of the heirs who would have already ahd their taxes done would ahve complained about something otherwise.  But who knows.

So now I just sit and wait.  Not an easy thing to do with this sort of thing.  I really just want it to go away quietly.  I provided my attorney with all of the contact information he would need for the auditor in charge of this issue, and the exact wording of the letter I received since they did not get one.  I am hoping this gets straightened out quickly.  I will breathe alot easier once I know it’s all ok again.


I had a friend who kept bugging me today to go and check my mail.  Finally I broke down and went and checked it.  I thought maybe she had sent a gift or something for my birthday as excited and anxious as she was acting.  But alas, it was only a card.  I told her thanks alot for making me rush right out there to get the mail so I could get that nice little birthday letter from the State!  lol 




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March 6, 2009

I hope its a simple fix. For everything that you’ve been through, you deserve for it to be easy…then finally over and done with. Good luck. Hope everything is going well pregnancy wise. 🙂