Dr appt

Had my regular check up today.  Almost 29 weeks now.  Where has the time gone???

Weight is still great. Hopefully that continues and I have the good fortune of little to no weight gain with this pregnancy like the last two.  So far so good.

My BP is really good, 110/70.  So I can’t complain about that!  And that’s with taking both boys with me and running late to get there.  lol

Baby’s HB is in the 160’s and beating strong.  It’s always great when the boys are with me.  As soon as the midwife has me get on the table they crowd around the table and get absolutely silent waiting to hear the baby.  As soon as they hear the heartbeat they both break out in a huge smile and go "Baby!"  It’s pretty cool.

I’ve now reached the point in my pregnancy where I have to go for check ups every 2 weeks.  Yikes!  That means we are in the homebound stretch.  In 2 1/2 months or less we should be welcoming the new little one to our family.  Oh boy…..

K was excited on the way to the clinic today because he thought we were going to ‘pick up the baby’ today.  I told him no, not quite yet.  But since he said that J got on the bandwagon too.  And once we were there he kept asking "where the baby?"  lol  So the midwife had to tell them too that there was no baby yet, they’d have to wait just a little while longer.    Hope they continue to be that eager about their new brother/sister in a few weeks when it actually arrives!

But all is well, can’t complain.  Midwife is amused at how strangely I am carrying this one. The baby sits entirely above the waistline.  Between my wait and my ribcage I am ALL baby.  She said its a very strange thing.  Boy, I tell ya though, when this gets a little further along when the baby typically drops down I think I will be very relieved.  Sitting this high up already has made eating less enjoyable becuase you feel full so much quicker and the baby presses on my lungs so I get winded pretty quick.  But it’s not to bad, just takes getting used to.  My Mom said she carried me the same exact way.  My Grandpa used to call me pumpkin because he said it looked like I was a little pumpkin sitting so high up in my Mom’s belly.  My midwife said this has soooo got be our girl with all of the differences between the two boys and this one.  I hope she’s right!

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February 25, 2009


February 26, 2009

Glad to hear all is well 🙂

February 26, 2009

Wow, I can’t believe you’re that far along already!! I carried Gavin really high too. He used to kick my ribs constantly…it was so painful!! I was relieved when he finally dropped, cause then I could breathe and eat again. lol Its so cute that the boys are so excited about their new baby. Such sweet boys you have!

March 4, 2009

I’m glad everything is going well!