Happy Birthday, K!!!!!

Dear K,

Wow, where to begin?  It’s been 5 years already and it just doesn’t seem possible.  Time has passed by so quickly over the past five years.  It seems like only yesterday that I was holding that newborn little boy in my hands.  And look at you now, you’ve become such a big boy.

It’s been an absolute joy to be your Mom.  Being a Mom has surpassed any dream I could have dreamt.  Every day you bring sunshine into my life.  From that first big smile and "Morning Mom!" accompanied by a big hug every morning to the last "Good night, Mom.  I love you!  Sweet dreams" you tell me each night.  You make everything better just by being you and being in our lives.

It doesn’t seem possible that your five already.  Soon you’ll be getting ready to head off on that big yellow bus you have so anxiously been waiting to ride and going to school.  I know you’ll just love school, there is so much that you’ll learn to do, so many new things to experience, and so many new friends to be made.  But you better believe that between now and that day that I will cherish every single moment that I still have with you at home with Jacob and I.  I’ll miss our baking days together and all of the funny things you tell me all day.  I’ll miss playing with you and watching you grow and learn right before my eyes.  But I know you’ll do great because you are an awesome little boy and know that I’ll always be right here waiting for you so I can hear about your day.

I know things have been a little different the past couple years and that Momma has been busy with lots of other things that are to big for you to understand right now.  But I assure you that is all behind us now.  Now we can get back to doing all the fun things in life that we used to enjoy.  I appreciate how patient you were and how helpful you were through all of that.  Just shows how big of a boy you have become and I love you for that.

In a few months we’ll be welcoming a new brother or sister into our family again.  You remember what that was like when Jacob joined our family.  And I know that you’ll be just as awesome of a big brother to the new baby as you have been to Jakie.  Your Jakie’s best buddy and are doing a great job of teaching him all of the things that a big brother should know.  And he’s learning quickly, but that’s because he has the best big brother to teach him how to be a great big brother soon too.  Even though life will get a little crazy for a while after the new baby comes I promise it will  calm down and everything will be just fine.  And I promise you with all of my heart that no matter what, Momma and Daddy will love you with every ounce of our beings.  After all, you were the one that made us Momma and Daddy and allowed us to learn how to be good parents to you and your siblings.  And there is no greater gift that you could have given to us than that!

I hope you had a great day today.  I know I have had a great day spending it with you.  I enjoyed taking you to Toys R Us to pick out something special, getting you a balloon that I know you love, getting your treat of fries and a shake at "Uncle Donald’s", watching a movie with you, decorating your cake together, making you ‘sketti tonight for dinner and then tearing into presents and cake.  I hope today has been as special for you as it has been for me.  You don’t remember what this day was like 5 years ago, but I do and I will never forget the day I met you, my handsome little man.

Well, sweetie, here’s hoping that today is only the beginning of an awesome year to come.  I wish you only the best in all that you do.  And I want you to know that we are so very, very proud of you and all of the things you’ve accomplished in the short time you’ve been on this earth.  Thank you for making Daddy and I who we are today, for letting us make mistakes along the way and never holding it against us.  But most of all, thank you for being the silly, loving, excitable little boy that brightens our days every single day of the year.  You are one of our greatest accomplishments in life and we are so proud of you.  Happy 5th Birthday, baby!  Here’s to many more years of making us laugh, smile, and beam with pride!!!

Love You Bunches,

Momma, Daddy and Jakie

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February 16, 2009

Awwww Happy 5th Birthday K!!!!

February 18, 2009

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww didn’t I say that K wasn’t allowed to be five!??!!??! Happy (belated) Birthday K!!! Sounds like you had a fun day!!! (Wish your Mommy would share pics sometimes!) LOL