I failed…. :(

I had another check up today for the little bean.  Everything is great.  Heard the heartbeat.  Super strong and is running in the 150’s or so.  Baby didn’t care to be poked even the slightest bit with the doppler and showed her distaste for it by promptly kicking it hard.  lol  A few times actually, and then scooted away trying to hide, which didn’t work.

Weight is still doing great.  Midwife is very pleased wiht the fact that I do so well with my weight.  So am I!  Makes it that much easier after delivery to not have a ton of weight to worry about shedding.

I knew the gestational diabetes test was coming up soon.  But I thought I had at least until the next appt.  But when I got there today I was asked if I was taking it today.  I was shocked!  So I debated it and finally decided to just get it over with today.  So I drank the drink they have for that and then had to sit it out and wait for an hour to pass for the blood draw.

I told my midwife that I usually fail these tests.  I did with each of the boys.  So I didn’t expect much more out of this one.  I was a little disappointed in having to take it today because 1) I had already ate breakfast before going to the Dr and I’m sure it was of no help to my cause and 2) it was nearly 1 before they finally got around to doing the blood draw.

I got home this afternoon to find a message awaiting me from the clinic, they had my results back already.  I called to get them but ended up leaving a message.  The nurse called back within minutes.  Everything looked good she said.  I had a momentary glimmer of hope that it meant EVERYTHING was ok.  But no.  She went on to tell me that my iron levels were a little low.  She said they normally like to see it between 11.4 and 15.8 and mine was at 10.4.  So BARELY low.  But she started insisting that I start on iron supplements immediately.  And she’s sending out an iron rich diet plan for me.  Then after all that I find out that the midwife reviewed the results and had no issue with my iron levels, it was purely the nurses concerns.  So I’m not sure I’ll be doing the supplements.  I think I’ll modify my diet to be more on the iron rich side until I have my next appt with the midwife in the next few weeks.  If she didn’t have an issue with it then I can’t see going on all these extra supplements.

And then came the bad news.  My blood glucose levels were elevated.  Surprise!  lol  So she said I would ahve to do the 3 hour test for it to make sure I was ok after that.  She started in explaining how that works, etc and I told her I am well aware of the procedures.  She was surprised about that and said "oh have you done this before?"  I told her that I have had two prior pregnancies, failed each of the one hour tests and had to do the 3 hour ones, so yes I had been there before.  lol  So I asked her what my levels were, she said they were at 155 today after an hour.  So I then asked what the cut off was for ‘normal’ and she said it was 140.  So now I have to go back in either by the end of this week to do the long test or by no later than early next week.  So DH gets to stay at home and watch the boys so I can go and be bored silly sitting still for over 3 hours and getting stuck multiple times.  And I would be very surprised if the results aren’t all good news.  I usually pass the 3 hour one wihtout issue.  So we shall see I guess.  I do not look forward to it though.

But all else looks great.  I can’t complain.  Just have to get past this one little obstacle and everything should be ok.  And if the results come back that I failed again, then we’ll deal with it and do the best we can for this little one. 

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February 5, 2009

Hey, but at least you get 3 hours of peace 🙂 Bring a book and relax. Heh. RYN: Oo a party? With cake? I wish that the WiiFit company could send me some cake.