Disgruntled postal customer *E*

I’m a tad disgruntled, steamed, peeved with our local post office.  Seriously.  Public servants came be a real pain in the a&& sometimes. 


Today my mailbox became a victim of our mail carrier.  And what ticks me off the most about it is that he is usually sooooo good about things.  The only issues we have ever had have been with our substitute carrier, now she is a whole different story! 

We had outgoing mail in the box.  And the box was in fine, functioning condition at that point.  Then the mail carrier came to deliver today.  After delivery I went out to get the mail and was taken aback when I saw a gaping hole where my mailbox door used to be!  The first thought that came to mind was "WTH?????"  And I found the stupid door shoved inside the mailbox!  My deductions at that point were that it had to have happened when the mail got delivered.  The mail was shoved in behind the door that was wedged in front.  But it was fully open to the street where anyone could see mail in there, not safe and secure anymore.

So I looked online at usps.com to see if they had an suggestions or whatever on what to do if your mailbox got damaged by an employee.   Lo and behold there was nothing.  So I finally found a customer service request form where you could submit a claim/complaint to the post office.  So I tried that.  But that said it would probably take at least 2 business days before they would address the issue.

Then I thought, what the heck, and located the phone number for our local office.  I called and right away I could tell it wasn’t going to go well.  The woman who answered immediately made it seem like having to talk to a customer was a waste of her time.  But I continued on.  I told her about the issue at hand and you know what her response was?  "Yeah, ok.  Uh huh."  Seriously?????  So I continued on again and she cut me off short and said "if it was your carrier he would have said something.  They always say something.  So it couldn’t have been him.". Excuse me?  Are you trying to tell me that I went out there or some random person just happened by and went "gee I think I’ll rip this door off and shove it inside the box for the heck of it!"  She actually made it seem like I was the one at fault over this whole thing!  I told her it had to have been the carrier.  The mail was taken out of the box, the incoming mail was delivered into the box and the door was shoved back in front of that inside the box.    Again I was faced with the "yeah, uh huh, ok" answer from her and again she tells me she doubted it was our mail carrier becuase he would have somehow contacted us about it or said something upon returning from his route and nothing was said so she didn’t feel it was his fault.  I told her I think it was and at the very least it would have been appreciated if he would have at least left a note in the box or something since we are now expected to replace the box ASAP since it’s damaged or they won’t continue delivering our mail until it’s fixed.  So she tells me he’s already gone for the day so there is nothing that can be done.  Okkkkk.  So she takes our address and then says "what’s the name of the residence there?"  AGain, helloooo, you ARE the post office can you not figure that out????  But I told her and then she wanted our phone number.  She said she ‘supposes’ she can talk to our carrier when he comes in tomorrow and sees what he has to say about it.  She said she doesnt know if it would have happened upon opening or closing the door, IF it even happened with our carrier.  I really can’t understand what difference it makes if it got ripped off during the opening or the clsoing of the box,  IT HAPPENED!!!!!  Ugggghhhhh. 

So supposedly we are to get a phone call at some point tomorrow after she’s had a chance to talk to the carrier and get his side of the story.  I’m not holding my breath that they will come back with any kind of positive answer to this solution or even a sorry.  But either way, I’m guessing a trip to Menards or Home Depot is in order to buy a new mailbox so I can freeze my a&& off installing it.  Grrrrrr..

I can totally see why employees of the post office become disgruntled and wig out.  If they have to deal with people on a daily basis like the woman I dealt with on the phone today I would wig out too!  I mean seriously, if you don’t care at least pretend like you do when a customer contacts you with an issue.  Oh well.  Now I guess I get to go find a new mailbox that doens’t cost a fortune.




So I did hear back from the grumpy woman at the post office this morning.  And I got an email back from the main post office as well.

Grumpy woman said that she talked to the mail carrier and he did admit it happened while he was delivering mail yesterday.  She said he told her he just opned it like he normally does and it just fell off.  He figures it might have been rusted or something, he wasn’t sure.  So that ended that as far as they are concerned.

Then I got the email from the main post office.  They apologized for the inconvenience one of their employees has caused us.  And they are going to contact our local office and see what is going on with it and they will get back to us on whether or not there is anything they can do to further assist us in this.  So we’ll see.  I don’t hold my breath that we are going to have anything more come out of it, but at least one person out there is trying to figure that out.  Grumpy woman surely didn’t want to delve into it any further than she already had.

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January 26, 2009

Ugh, that really sucks. Our mailman is really good, except for one thing. Our box is tiny (and we can’t buy a bigger one), so if he can’t stick it in the box, he makes us drive all the way to BFE to pick it up…even though my house is like 20 steps from the mailbox. They will put that they attempted to deliver, probably because no car is here..but I am here, all day.

January 26, 2009

Hey, I wanted to give you the address of my other blog, but please leave a note if you read over there-I’d like to keep track and know the people that I am seeing on my site meter. =] http://www.rubysredslippers.blogspot.com

January 26, 2009

yeah you know my whole take on this… lol..

January 27, 2009

Okay, I think I fixed the comments over there-would you try again so I know?

January 27, 2009

Mailbox issues…GAH!! I’ve come to find out that the post office is not helpful at all. We have issues with our carrier putting mail in the wrong mailbox. We get our neighbors mail all the time. And yeah, the post office doesnt care one bit. I hope that you can get some kind of reimbursement for your mailbox.