Out of the mouths of babes

My son amazes me every day.  Not on in what he can do, what he’s learning, but in the things he says.  He truly cracks me up on a regular basis.  And today was no different.


This morning while I was feeding J his breakfast K was playing on the table near me.  And all of a sudden he says "Momma, I have something to tell you".  So he proceeds to tell me what he had to tell me.  He says "Momma, you know that skunks stink."  and I said "yes, I know they stink".  He continues on to tell me "well, if a skunk gets his stink on you all you have to do is get some ‘mato juice and take a bath in it and put it all in your hair".  I said "oh really?"  and he continues on with "yes, because the ‘mato juice helps take the stink away that the skunk made and makes you smell all pretty again.".  And he was so matter of fact about it that I couldn’t help but kind of chuckle to myself.  lol  I have NO idea where he learned that. 


And then after sharing that pearl of wisdom he had learned with me he said he had something else he wanted to tell me.  He said "Momma, do you know there are shops and places where you can take pets?"  I said "yes I know that".  Fully thinking he was talking about pet stores, since all of them by us you can take your pet shopping with you.  But I soon found out I was wrong.  He tells me that if you have a pet you can take hiim to one of these shops and you can trade them in so someone else can come and get them and take them home for their pet.  And then he says to me "Momma, we have our kitty.  I think we should take him to a special shop and trade him in."  So I asked him why he wanted to trade the kitty in.  And he tells me "I want to trade him in because I would like a dog, Momma.  And we only need one pet.  So we need to trade the kitty in so we can have a dog".  lol  DH and I had to explain to him the other day that we got our cat from a special place called a shelter becuase he wanted to know what store we got him from.  And he wanted to know why you can’t take a pet back to those places to get a new one.  so we had to explain that if you returned a shelter pet you really couldn’t get another one becuase they just have rules about that sort of thing.  So now he thinks he found the answer, we just need to find a store that will take him in on trade for a dog.  lol 

Life is so simple through the eyes of a child.  I wish it could be so for an adult!

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Saw you on the front page — I love when the kids come out with stuff like that — My kids make me laugh and laugh sometimes! Have fun with your little one. Jenn

January 16, 2009

LOL smart kid!

January 16, 2009

random noter from SW WI. I have 3 grandsons, ages 9, 2 and 2 months. The 2 yr old is very talkative!! We were playing hide & seek. He says: “Nana, where you are?” I’m here Caleb. He looks again and sees me screeching Nana”. I love kids!!!!

January 16, 2009

LOLOLOLO leave it to K … he’s so wise