Ramblings and such

I have things I should be doing.  But instead I am here doing things that I would rather do.  lol


I have company coming in two days.  So I need to clean the house at some point.


We are supposed to be in Chicago right now.  But guess what, we’re NOT!  lol  DH’s cousin is getting married this weekend.  And like every other stupid thing that that side of the family does they EXPECTED everyone to drop what they were doing and come in early for this thing.  I know my inlaws are there already, my SIL is arriving tonight, the majority of the rest of the family is there already or arriving by no later than tomorrow.  As far as we know, we are the only ones that aren’t going to show up for this wedding.  Oh well.  That will get us put back on the Black List for the family again I’m sure but I really don’t care. 

See, the reason we are still home and have no intention of attending this wedding is because we were told that our kids weren’t welcome there because its a "classy" wedding.  Whatever.  So if we went it was suggested that we leave our kids home with a sitter.  Yeah, I don’t think so.  Or that if they ‘just had to come along’ then to bring a sitter along with us to stay in the hotel room with the kids the entire time we are there so that we could particpate in the things that everyone else is doing.  Again, don’t think so.  It just sounded so stupid to us.  Why would you drag someone along with you to watch your kids for a minimum of 4 days and tell them ‘oh by the way, you can’t leave the hotel room with them, can’t attend the wedding or reception or anything else’.  That would be so boring for anyone left in that position.  And if we had gone and hadn’t taken a sitter with us then one or the other of us would always be left behind to sit in a small room with the kids all the time.  Spend all that money and then get left behind to do nothing.  Sounds like fun!  (note the sarcasm)

So we decided we weren’t going, period.  And as time went on we found out more and more about this shindig that made us VERY happy about our decision.  My SIL called us and asked us if we had been hit up for a gift.  We said we hadn’t.  She was glad to hear that.  Apparently the cousins (mainly one made the decision and forced the rest to join in) decided to go in together to buy them a really nice gift.  From what we were told they were buying them their ENTIRE China setting that they wanted, every single piece of it.  And each cousin was supposed to chip in, get this, $120 a piece for it!   There are at least 16 cousins that I am aware of off the top of my head (hard to keep track of when they come from a family of 10!  Kids tend to multiply FAST)  So you do the math.   If every one of them ahd chipped in the amount required it would be right around $2,000 or more that they paid towards a gift for them.  But since we are ‘ditching’ we didn’t get hit up so it was said that because of that then others would have to make up the difference to cover what they didn’t get off of us.  Whatever!  Had we gone, we would never have spent $120 on a gift for them in the first place.  I mean after travelling for over 6 hours to get there, spending $$ for at least 4 nights in a hotel, plus all of the meals and such out.  It would have been an expensive adventure in the first place let alone being sidled with that price for a gift.

Not to mention that with the weather this weekend being so horribly cold.  We are looking at temps in the -20 or greater with windchills that brign it down to -35 to -45.  There is no way we would risk driving that distance with the kiddos in the car in that kind of temperatures.  I mean, what would happen if the car broke down?  I tell ya what, we’d all get frostbite or hypothermia.  Not worth it.  Not to mention the whole family having to go out and get new outfits that would go along with the "classy" wedding they are having.  All I hear is cha-ching, cha-ching!  lol

Besides the fact that this weekend we are celebrating J’s 2nd birthday.  We told that to the inlaws and stuff.  They seemed indifferent about it overall.  Whatever.  Why would I disaapoint my child and deprive him of a birthday party just to be there amongst a group of people that could care less if we are there or not?   Then we found out they are throwing a birthday party for one of the other cousins that had a birthday back in November and maybe one other one.  My SIL was fuming when she found that out because her birthday is within days of the one they are throwing the party for and they wouldnt include her int he party at all.  So that was just wrong too. 

We are just so over that whole side of the family.  I’m sure we will be talked bad about behind our backs for not being there, but who cares.  It won’t be the first or the last time I’m sure!  lol  So we are staying home and staying warm. 


I got my goodies ordered online this morning from Gymboree.  I had Gymbucks to redeem and I figured I better do that before I forget and they expired.  So the kiddos will get some new things for later on.    So hard to NOT want to buy cute little pink things. But we have to wait and see on that.  lol

This is the first pregnancy where I have had any dreams about the baby really.  With my first I would dream about the baby, but any time I’d get where it might be possible to see what it was or the face or any of that stuff it would be all fuzzy and vague.  And we didn’t know what we were having so it was always frustrating.  But fromt he start I always told DH that I thought it was a boy. So when he was born and they said it was I told DH "I told you so!".  lol  Then with our 2nd we found out.  But even though we knew we were having a boy any time I dreamed about him I could never see his face or anything either.  But at least when we found out it was another boy I had the chance to tell DH "I told you so" again.  He didn’t believe me that I kept telling him I had a feeling it was a boy right from the start.  lol

But the other night I had a dream about the baby.  It was so eerily vivid.  I could even see the red digital display on the scale they used to weigh the baby.  We were told that the baby was 7 lb 9 oz and 18 1/4 inches long.  But we hadn’t been told yet what it was.  Finally they brought the baby back to us and said "it’s a girl!" as they handed her to us.  And I could see her face and that there was dark hair on her head.  Everything was just perfect.  It was as I could almost feelt hat baby in my arms the dream was so vivid.  lol

I told my best friend about it yesterday.  I told her that I hope it’s not just my mind playing tricks on me becuase that would just be cruel.  But from the start I have always had a feeling this one was a girl.  The pregnancy started out different, I have had some things with this one that I never experience with the other two, different food aver

sions and cravings than ever before, the heart rate is different with this one than it was with the boys, my hair is bone straight (usually its curly and stayed that way with both the boys).  Just a few differences that I have noticed from the other two to this one.  But I have always said it was a ‘she’ or ‘her’ when I talked about the baby right from the start.  DH gets annoyed with me sometimes because he siad that I’m just setting myself up for disappointment if this one is a boy too and he wishes that I wouldn’t get it in my head so bad that this is a girl.  And I swear, I’m not trying to ‘get it in my head’ but its hard to ignore that "feeling" that it’s a girl this time.  I look at the boy stuff and the neutral stuff and something keeps pulling me back towards the girl stuff, as if I should be there instead.  And I still hear M’s voice in my head tellingm e that "soon" I’d have another baby and I’d finally get my girl.  Well, since we weren’t planning on having any more kids at that point I kind of just dismissed it chalking it up to a nice sentiment.  But now it kind of plays in my mind that maybe he was right.  Who knows.  Not to mention that when I was in HS and got my palm read at graduation (it was purely for fun because I’m not one of those people that believes in that stuff 100%).  But I was told that I would have 4 kids, two boys followed by two girls.  Well, we are not going to have 4 I can tell you that!  lol  But I have my two boys so maybe this is the first of the girls on the way.  A girl can dream…….  lol

We are on the hunt for boy names………again.  We have such an unbelieveably hard time coming up with a boys name that we like.  It seems that every name we kind of like has either been used already int he family and we dont want to duplicate.  Or we have friends who have kids named that and we dont want to take that away from them either.  So we struggle on to find a name we can live with and feels right.  With K we picked it out about a week before he was born.  With J, we had a pretty good idea about 2-3 weeks out that we had his name picked but kept looking anyway.  From the very first baby we have always had a girl name chosen, but we never had a middle name for it.  But *I* think that I have found one that we might use at least for that.  Just have to make sure that DH is still ok with it.  But boys names remain a mystery for us.  And I can’t tell you how tired I am of scouring those baby name books looking for one.  Uggggh.

I started a new game on expectnet.com  If anyone is interested in venturing a guess just go to http://www.expectnet.com  and venture a guess.  The name of our game is:  Mayflower   It’s just for fun!


Well, time for me to go move things around int he house to make it look like I’ve been really busy. lol  Just kidding.  I’m honestly going to try and get things done if I can.  That is if I don’t hear "Moooom, I have a problem"  every few seconds. lol 

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