Ho hum

It seems like I should write.  But then I sit down to do it and I sit before the blank screen trying to figure out WHAT exactly I should write about.  I don’t seem to have much going on lately.

I’ve literally been housebound for the past week.  Last weekend we got dumped on with rain.  Yes, RAIN!  And let me tell you, rain in January when you live in WI is NOT ideal.  We ended up being blanketed with over a half inch of ice on everything.  It took until mid week before it was safe enough outside for me to even attempt to walk to our mailbox.  I tried a few times before that but my feet just slipped around under me like I was wearing skates.  So I turned around and went back in the house.  No sense in attempting to walk on stuff like that and risk falling and hurting the baby in some way.  So DH was always nice enough to bring in the mail when he came home.  I told DH I wanted to get salt for the driveway a while ago but he never got any.  So instead his solution was to use the salt for the water softener.  Which normally is what we use becuase it is cheaper than the stuff they sell specifically for sidewalks.  But he switched from using the crystals, which worked great, to using cubes.  So where ever he threw those stupid cube things it looked like marshmallows had threw up all over our driveway.  lol  Silly looking to say the least.

Then yesterday we got a little bit of snow, that made things a little easier.  I could actually find my way out to the end of the driveway to get the mail.    Last night we were under a winter weather advisory again.  They predicted by morning we would have at least 6 inches of snow and slick roads.  We did get snow, but not 6 inches.  And I have no idea how the roads are since, well, I haven’t been out on them in over a week.  lol  But it still looks like its getting ready to dump on usagain at some point today. 

I’m hoping that the weather is decent enough so we can get out and do somthing this weekend.  Been entirely to long of being couped up in the house.  And we need to get groceries.

You would have thought being couped up for so long that I would have gotten tons done.  But no.  I seem to have lost my motivation to want to do the things I know need to be done.  Monotonous and mundane at the very least to have to clean, cook and do laundry all the time.  I cook every night, which is no big deal.  But I am tired of doing laundry.  I wish it would just do itself!  lol  I mean come on, I help it out the best I can by carrying it right down to the washer the least it could do is jump in and wash itself and then dry itself. lol  I think my lack of motivation is coming from the fact that I wake up for no apparent reason in the middle of the night and then can’t seem to fall asleep for hours.  And when I finally do then it seems that something else happens that wake me up i.e. DH’s alarm goes off, the phone rings, or the kids wake up.  It’s always something.  The other morning I woke up at 5:30 and laid there for 2 hours trying to get back to sleep.  I finally fell asleep and within 15 minutes DH’s alarm went off and woke me right back up.  I dozed back off again and went into a super deep sleep only to be woken up again before 8:30 by the stupid phone.  I was FUMING at that point becuase I was so tired and lo and behold, there was no one on the other end of the line when I answered.  Every morning for the past 3 mornings now the phone had rang anywhere between 8:15 and 9:30 with no one on the other end.  So yeah, lack of sleep, annoying early morning phone calls make for a cranky Mommy that has zero energy to want to do the routine things in life.  I have hope for some sleep or rest this weekend.  We shall see though!  lol

I need to get out bedroom cleaned out and organized at some point too.  Have to make a little space for the baby things we will be putting in there soon.  The baby always stays in our room in a bassinet for a while after we bring them home, so I have to get ready for that becuase if I keep putting it off before I know it that time will be here.  Yikes!  And our walk in closet had some issues a while back. Some of the shelving all of a sudden fell down off of the wall.  The people who put it in had to have been idiots because they jsut attached it to the drywall and not into studs or anything.  So it finally gave up and fell down.  So I think we are getting that fixed next weekend finally so I can finally put the stuff that belongs in there back in there again.

I think we’ll take the tree down this weekend too.  My son is very sad to have heard that news.  He was trying to get us to leave it up until his brother’s birthday (which is on the 19th) but I think it is just time for it to come down.  Get some more space back in the living room again.

I have had this HUGE urge to want to go out and shop for baby.  I don’t know why.  We have pretty much everything we’ll need.  If we have another boy then we have clothes to get by with at least for a while.  But I have just been having the urge to want to go and get some girl stuff.  I have Gymbucks to redeem soon at Gymboree and I have just been looking and looking online at all of the girl stuff and thinking to myself "oh I could get that and that…."  But then I wonder what the heck I would do with all of that stuff if we had another boy.  I think I’ve just been bit by the pink bug for some reason.  Maybe it’s because deep down I *know* something that I don’t really know.  Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking that since this is our last baby that we’ll finally get our girl.  Don’t get me wrong, I love both of my boys.  And if we had another I would be just as happy.  but I think every Mother (and some Father’s) secretly hopes for a little girl of her own at some point in time.  So I continue to fight the urge to go and swipe up every cute pink thing around.  lol  The mystery will be solved in May I guess!

Well, I should go and at least try and look like I was productive today.  lol


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January 9, 2009

I know what you mean! I ran to the grocery store quick last night, and it was the first time I’ve left my house since last Friday. I’m kind of getting used to being housebound now. That ice storm was something else! Will had to drive home from work in it…said he didn’t do over 25mph the entire way home from EC and there were tons of cars in the ditch.

January 9, 2009

can’t go out and shop for baby if you DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…. I have a whole box of stuff for you though if you have a girl, I sure as heck am not going to use it 🙁 Motivaion + us = WHATEVER!!! We were suppose to get 2-4 or so inches and got NOTHING