
I am so freakin’ cold it’s not funny.  I was trying to figure out why it felt so cold in the house because normally it’s quite comfortable in here.  So I went and checked and discovered why.  apparently last night when DH was complaining that he was too hot he turned down the thermostat.  But he set it on 60!  Helloooooo, it’s the middle of winter in WI and it was like 7 degrees outside last night when he was ‘roasting’ inside.  So now here I sit with my nose, fingers, feet and everything in between feeling like they are about to just break right off becuase they are so cold.  I’m snuggled up under my warm blanket, with my heavy boot socks on (I normally never wear socks in the house), my hoodie on (usually only wear a tshirt in the house) and am trying to snuggle up to the heat coming off of my laptop to keep warm!  Next time DH complains of being hot I’m going to throw him outside head first into a snowbank so he can cool down!  lol


We had an ok weekend.  A no-company kind of weekend, which is always quiet and relaxing.  Well, at least it should be if I didn’t have to deal with DH who has some inability at times to listen and comprehend what I tell him.

Friday DH kind of ticked me off.  He had a Christmas party for work.  I wasn’t going with him.  When he left Friday morning he said he wasn’t feeling 100% so he wasn’t going to stay very long at the party.  He basically was going for dinner and was planning on leaving once they got their bonus checks and whatever else.  That’s what he had been telling me for a long time leading up that Friday.  So I assumed that he would be home relatively early on, like 9-10 or so at the latest, just based off what he had told me.  So I just went about my night at home with the boys.  When it got time for the boys to go to bed I got them ready and did their whole routine with them and put them ot bed.  Still no DH.  Around 11 or so I finally decided to give him a call on my cell phone that I knew he had with him.  But no answer.  He claimed he had it on but who  knows.  By that time I was getting a little worried.  It had been snowing quiet a bit since before 7 and it was blowing pretty badly so it was kind of hard to see.  And all I could hear from our house was sirens from ambulances and such going out all night long, so I was a little concerned when he wasn’t home and i hadn’t heard from him.  Finally just before midnight he calls and said he was still at the party and was planning on staying a while yet becuase the band was good.  He finally made it home just before 1 a.m.  He claimed he had stopped drinking about 10 but who knows.  When he drinks he gets SUPER sleepy.  And the instant he was home he was debating going to bed or staying up.  He finally decided on staying up a bit but the instant he laid down on the couch he was dozing off.  So I was a little perturbed with him because  it didn’t appear he had actually stopped drinking when he said he had and he DROVE home in crappy weather no less.  So I was a little irked at him.  He should just know better at this point. 

Saturday we got up and got everyone ready. Well, I should probably say that I got the kids ready and myself and DH ran around like a nut.  We were going to a Breakfast with Santa that our financial advisor was sponsering for his clients and their families.  DH knew about it, I had told him when we got the invitation and when I made the reservations for it.  I told him what time it was and everything.  He apparently heard something totally different than what I said.  We had 10 o’clock reservations for seating. Not to mention that after the previous night, DH wasn’t really feeling up to getting up early and doing anything so his mood was not the best.   So I was hurrying around getting the kids all dressed and ready to go so that we could be on time.  When they were all dressed and had their coats and everything on DH was STILL not dressed to go or anything.  I told him we had to get going and he comes back with "what’s your big hurry we have plenty of time".  That was at about 9:45.  I told him we really had to get going because we had to be there and seated by 10.  He said we still had plenty of time becuase it wasn’t until 10:30.  Hellooo, did I not just tell you it was at TEN?!?!?  So at like 5 to 10 he FINALLY sets a fire under his butt and got crabby with me that I hadn’t told him what time we had to be there.  I wonder what he was hearing when I kept telling him we had to be there by 10?  While he was getting changed and getting his hair combed I was loading the kids up.  We did finally manage to get there by 10:10.  Santa was just about getting ready to head out when we got there.  But we got lucky and the kids got a chance to see him and talk to him.  And each of the boys got a gift from our financial advisor (a piggy bank with a gold $1 coin each).  And there was still some food left for us to eat.  We were out of there in no time at all since we were so late getting there.

And what do you suppose DH was doing the entire time the rest of us were getting ready to go?  He was running in and out bitching about our garage door opener.  See, I got a new garage door opener for our 3rd car garage door for Christmas from my Mom.  While they were here over Thanksgiving it got installed.  And a couple of times since it was installed DH came home once and wanted to know why the door was standing wide open, but i hadn’t been out there.  And then last week when I was cleaning out the driveway and was all done I shut the garage up and the stupid door kept going up and down about every 12 seconds.  It was insane.  I couldn’t get it to stop no matter what I did so it continued to do that for over an hour before it finally  just stopped doing it on its own somehow.  And of course that night DH was gone to a party so I couldn’t have him help me figure out why it was doing that and by the time he got home it was fine again.  But Saturday morning when we got up I heard the door again and sure enough, there it was going up and down like crazy.  So DH was trying to figure it out.  He even disconnected some of the wiring and it STILL was going up and down.  So its totally dismantled right now so it can;’t do that anymore until we can pinpoint what the heck is wrong with it.  It’s just crazy.

After the breakfast the plan was to go and get our family Christmas pics taken.  But DH didn’t want to go right away so he had us all come home to hang out for a while.  So that’s what we did.  Then when he was finally ready to head back out we took off  to finally go and get our pics taken.  But of course, nothing ever goes as planned.  And when we got there they said we couldn’t get them done because they were to busy.  And the moron had enough guts to say "why didn’t you make an appt?"  I was about ready to reach across the desk and strangle her at that point.  I HAD called, many times and never got any answer at their studio.  And I told her as much.  So I told her that I figured t

hat since they can’t seem to answer their phone I figured screw it I would just show up and they could deal with it.  She didn’t know what to say.  I was ticked.  It’s not like I hadn’t thought of calling, hadn’t tried calling.  It’s not MY fault they don’t answer their phones ever.  That was the whole reason I scrapped the idea of going to Olan Mills is because they never answered their phones or messages left either.  And I will NOT deal with that kind of inept service from someplace taht I am spending a bunch of money at.  No one should be expected to.  So after going arounda nd around with the moron at the desk she said she would try to find a spot to schedule for us.  I asked her if they would guarantee that my pictures would be delivered PRIOR to Christmas, she had no idea.  How can you NOT know that?  Is that NOT your business to know what your delivery schedule is based on the day pics are taken?  Whatever.  So I told her that I wanted an appt ASAP.  She starts telling me dates like a week or so out.  I told her not acceptable.  And what do you know, she suddenly had openings available at the beginning of this week.  I told her I preferred an evening appt if possible.  So she tells me 4:30.  Not exactly evening in my book. DH couldn’t be there for that appt so we had to scrap that idea.  So we did finally find a time, so we are getting them done on Wed at 7 p.m.   Then she wanted to know how many people, occasion, all that crap.  I told her it would be the two kids and DH and I.  She looks at me like I had suddenly sprouted a dozen heads and said " so 4 of you?"  Um, yeah, last time I checked 2+2=4.  Ugh.  And she proceeds to tell me that they might not be able to do it becuase having 4 people in the picture would be to hard to fit in, etc, etc.  Then asks me what backgrounds I wanted, I told her I didn’t really know since I hadn’t seen them yet and asked if I could maybe see what was available.  She tells me they have ONE holiday background they can use and then they can "play around" with some other ones to try and make it work for holiday pics.  Whatever.  She refused to show me any of them.  Then she wanted to know, again, what the occasion was.  So I told her it was Christmas family photos.  That’s when she wanted to know if it was necessary to have all 4 people be in the pic since it would be "so hard" for them to do.  I looked at her and thought to myself "how stupid ar you?"   The whole point of FAMILY pics is to ahve the whole family in the actual pic.  Right?  Maybe it’s just me but that’s what I think it means.  lol   We finally got to a point where she apparently had enough info to finally let me go.  So now we go in on Wed night and see what happens I guess.  Still don’t know if they will be in on time for Christmas.  Still don’t know if all 4 of us will be able to be int he pic at one time.  I’m a little over the whole thing to be honest.  I’m guessing we shouldn’t have changed our minds and went someplace different this year.  We typically go to JcPenny but decided to go someplace else instead, for whatever reason.  Oh, that’s right, DH didnt like the prices that the sheets at JCP would be this year, because they weren’t giving out very good deals this time around.  So he made me find a new place.  And I REFUSE to go back to Sears after the crappy service we got the last time there.  So that leaves Olan Mills and Walmart around here.  And well, I already mentioned what happened with the whole Olan Mills thing.  So yeah, we shall see how it goes. 


We did get out and do a little bit of shopping on Saturday after the picture fiasco.  But the stupid store was so packed with the weirdest people that I just wanted out of there ASAP.  I think I should have taken my Walmart Bingo Card with me, I’m pretty sure I could have filled it on Saturday!  Oye.  But DH actually got a couple of things he was looking to get.  Which is a HUGE step for him since he doesn’t usually step foot in a store to shop for Christmas presents until Christmas is almost over with, or he orders it online and it never gets here on time.  So the fact he actually bought gifts was pretty amazing.  lol  And then Saturday night DH took su all out for Mexican.  Yummy!  It’s been a long time since we’ve been to that particular place and it was yummy, yummy.


Sunday we just kind of hung around the house for the most part.  We did go out for a little bit but not for very long.  But K and I did end up going back out, just the two of us.  When we had come home I got out our little tree, which no one seemed to care that much for this year.  And we had already decided not to put up the HUGE tree (its at least 7 1/2 feet tall or so).  So K and I went out in search of a new tree of a smaller size.  We ended up going to 3 different stores before finding something we liked.  So we put the tree up last night but didn’t decorate it yet.  We had to put the star on top because K wasn’t going to go to bed until he could see the star on ‘his’ tree.  lol  So we stuck it up there, plugged it in so he could see it and then he agreed to go to bed.  lol  So tonight after DH gets home and we ahve dinner we promised the kids we would decorate the rest of it.  So they are looking forward to that.  Well, K is at least.  J just seems to take off with all fo the things we are trying to use and giggles the entire time about it.  lol


We have been after my inlaws to get us their Christmas lists for a couple of weeks now.  DH told them we needed it before Black Friday becasue that was when I was doing my shopping, we got nothng from any of them.  So I finally emailed my MIL, FIL and SIL the other day and said to send them ASAP.  Well, no answer from anyone even after that.  Then last night after we had been to town on and off all wekeend doing some shopping and what not I check my email and what do you suppose I find?  An email from my MIL.  Grrrrr.  Apparently my FIL doesn’t want anything.  But it was hard to tell in email if he was in a cranky mood and that’s why he doesn’t want anything or if he just simply has nothing he wants.  He can be touchy and you just never know with him.  But my MIL on the other hand requested a couple more days to think of what she wanted.  So I’m still waiting on her. 

We had told them we didn’t want gifts really.  And requested they just do something for the kids.  But since they usually send stupid gifts, broken gifts, or free things they have picked up here and there we told them to just forgo the actual gifts and get them giftcards so that they can pick out what they want, or get something when they ahve earned it somehow.  So she actually asked in the email where the kids wanted the giftcards from. So I was a little shocked.  DH said not to get our hopes up that they will actually do that anyway.  But who knows.  We still aren’t going to give them a list for the two of us.&

nbsp; Now I just have to set a fire under my SIL and get her list.  She and i had talked about it this summer and had decided to maybe forgo presents for the adutls and she would just buy nicer stuff for the kids.  Which is fine with us.  But I want to give her the chance at least to tell us if there is anythign she wants.  It would be so great though if no one wants anything this year because that will save time on having to run out and doing more shopping last minute and trying to beat the rush to ship it all around the country.  But we shall see! 


This entry kind of ended up sounding bitchy and negative.  It wasn’t intended to, that’s for sure.   I think the frustrations and stress of the holidays is starting to set in already though.  Trying to figure out vacation days off for DH, getting everyone gifts, not knowing what to buy, trying not to spend a ton, and just other things going on in life right now are just making it all a little overwhelming at times.   I love Christmas but I hate the stuff leading up to it!  Oh, not ot mention that for the past few days my back has been on the verge of going out again.  Oh joy.  So I have to be careful what I do, how I move, etc.  Which is no fun because I can’t have it go out.  The only things that help get me back on my feet I can take right now becuase of being pregnant so I could be laid up for a very LONG time.  It is slowly starting to feel a little better but not back to 100% yet.  I wish it would soon though.


Well, Im off.  I’m finally starting to defrost.  lol  So now I can try to go and find something to do with my day.  lol



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