
Who are you more like:  My Mom


Have you ever kissed a random person for money? Nope


Do you chew gum like a cow? Nope.  I rarely chew gum, but I certainly don’t chew like a cow when I do!


Do you have a crush on more than one person? Nah.


Is it okay to like someone else when you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? You can like as many people as you like, and be friends with them.  But if your with one special person then at the end of the day your loyalty and love should still lie fully with them.


Do you tell your mom/dad everything? Not everything.  There are certain things that parents still don’t need to know, no matter how old you get.


Define the word f****, it can’t have anything to do with a cuss word or sex.

A word to overly used in today’s language that is used to convey a variety of feelings, thoughts, emotions, you name it.


Are you single? If so, who do you like flirting with? Nope, not single.


Have you ever smelled nail polish remover? Of course, it’s one of those things that if you use it you can’t miss the smell that it gives off.


What year do you graduate? I graduated high school in 1994, college with my 1st degree in 1996 and college with my Bachelor’s in 2004.


Does your mom have the same taste in guys as you do? Not at all!  I would not choose the kind of men she chooses.  Ugh.


Do you wish you played the piano? I can play the accordion but I could never get the hang of playing the piano.


Do you have any clothing with fur on it? No, can’t say that I do.


When was your last heartbreak? The heart can break for many different reasons, so I would say it was 21 months ago.


Do you have a baby brother? No I do not, I am an only child.


Do you even use your house phone anymore?  Occasionally.  I rarely ever call anyone, but I certainly use the house phone more than my cell.


Is your high school the high school your parents went to?  Yep, it was the same one my Mom went to along with everyone else in my family for the most part.


Who was the person you had the longest relationship with? Adam.


What happened? We got married!  And after being together for over 16 years and being married for almost 9 we are still hanging in there just fine.


Have you ever seen the show Exiled? Nope.


Does seeing those episodes change your mind on how you act & treat people? I’ve never even heard of the show.


Isn’t it hot when guys straighten their hair?  I guess I never realized that guys straighten their hair.  lol


Are you on myspace right now? I have a profile, but I’m not there very often at all.

Did you ask your parents if you could have a myspace? Um, no. 


What’s the very FIRST word of the song you’re listening to? Not listening to any right now.


The last word? —


Are either of your parents old enough to be your grandparents?My Mom had me when she was 29, so no I don’t think she is old enough to be my grandparent.   But my "sperm donor" (I prefer not to refer to him as my Dad, he didn’t earn that) was like 12-15 years older than my Mom, so yeah, I guess he would be old enough to be my grandparent.


What’s the last class you have at school? Not in school anymore.  But the last classes I had pertained to getting my social work license.


Have you ever been locked inside a room as a punishment? Not that I can remember.


Did you always eat all your food as a kid?  Yes.


What’s your favorite thing about walking?   It gets me from point A to point B?!?!  lol 


Do you own a treadmill? Yes we do


Do you use it? —  I used to, but haven’t in a long time.


I bet you have a secret place to hide your money, huh? I rarely have any cash anymore.  So I guess my ‘secret’ hiding place is in my bank account!  lol


If you don’t have any pockets, where do you put your money?  In my wallet usually in the Diaper bag.


Is there a piece of jewelry you’re dying to have?  Yes, my wedding band to be fixed so I can wear it again!


Do you keep the gifts your exes give you?The only exes I had were back in HS.  But I do still have the one gift that I was given from an ex from back then.  We had only been going out for a short time when he gave me jewelry for Christmas.  I never wore it, but I never got rid of it either.  


Why or why not? I don’t know – – I just can’t throw it away for some reason.  It was the first piece of jewelry that any boy had ever given me and I guess it’s got it’s memories for that.


Do you wear ankle socks? Yep.


What sports do you play or want to play? I play ball with my kids and frisbee with my hubby.  Does that count?  lol


Is wrestling for gay guys? No, I don’t think so.


What was your elementary school mascot? Rangers


Are you better looking than you were ten years ago? I was skinnier back then and I had longer hair with a different hairstyle.  But otherwise I think I look about the same overall.  I don’t know if I’d said better or worse looking.  After all it’s been 10 years, almost 9 years of marriage, 2 (almost 3) children later.  So I’d say "different" probably.

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