
Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen?

Nope.  It was a few months after my 16th birthday that I had my first kiss.  Must have been a good one, we’re

still together 16 years later!



Are you good at hiding your feelings?

Yep.  Except for when I’m mad.  That comes out pretty easily.




Do you wave when you see people you know?

Not usually, unless they do first.  Usually it’s just a ‘hi" and that’s it.



Last four people to text you?

No one, I don’t use text at all.



Can you braid hair?

Sure can.  Comes from having waist length or longer hair my entire life I suppose. 



Who are you disappointed in right now?

This one particular person who continually disappoints and frustrates me to no end because of his behaviors towards someone who is very close to me.



Do you have trust issues?

No, actually I don’t.  But if you lose my trust that’s it.



Do you drink Red Bull or any other energy drink on a regular basis?

Never have and never will.  I don’t drink anything really that has caffeine in it if I can help it, certainly don’t need a heavy dose of it.



Have you ever told someone you like them?

Sure have.



What were you doing at 11:00 AM?

Trying to catch up from a long exhausting weekend away from home, going through mail, checking email and trying to get motivated to do more than just sit on the couch and take it easy all day.  lol



What did you do today?

went through multiple days of mail and newspapers, checked tons of emails from the past few days, unpacked, washed dishes, fed the kids, took care of the kids, made dinner and in general tried to recover from the weekend.



What did you do this past weekend?

Went to my Mom’s retirement party at her place of employment on Thursday, on Friday went shopping and did set up for her surprise retirement party, took my Mom out to dinner to celebrate on Friday, Saturday threw Mom a surprise retirment party, and on Sunday we attended a meeting of an organization we belong to.  It was a busy, full weekend.



Who is the last person who wrote a letter to you on paper?

I can’t remember the last handwritten letter I got, that had to have been many years ago now.  The last computerized letter I received in the mail would have been from my attorney that handled the Estate stuff for me.




Have you ever had the same dream more than once?

Not the EXACT one but one that is similar from time to time.




Who was the last person you went to the movies with?

It would have been my hubby many years ago now.



Can you whistle?

Not real good, but I can do it.



What color are the pants you’re wearing?

Navy blue



Do you have a trampoline at your house?

We have a tiny one for the kids but not one of those huge ones.



Would you ever get a tattoo?

I’ve thought about it a little bit in the past couple of years.  But I think if it came right down to it I would decide not to do it.



Name something that made you frown today?

My hubby being on the phone for the majority of the night tonight, including during part of dinner.




Were you ever suspended from school?

Nope, came close but never actually had it happen.



Do you find the opposite sex confusing?

Yeah, they think they are the simple ones to understand but really they aren’t.




How has your week been?

Well, since it’s only Monday it’s not gone to badly yet!  lol  But last week was hectic and very busy.




Do you like someone?

Sure, lots of people.




Where is your boyfriend?

Upstairs and still on the phone.




Do you like yourself?

some things, yes.  Some thing, no.




Does anyone call you baby?





If the last person you kissed needed you at 3am, would you go?

Of course, it was my sons.  I would go no matter what time of day it was if they needed me.




Are relationships worth it?

Of course.  But no relationship is easy.




Do you care if your girlfriend/boyfriend smokes?

yes I do care.  I wouldn’t be with someone who was a smoker.  I don’t like being with an ashtray.



Last person to text you?

Again, no one since I don’t use text at all.



Why are you not going for the person you want?

Because I’m married to him already.

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November 10, 2008
