Plans always change

I am soooooooo freaking tired right now.  I know staying up past 1 a.m. was NOT a wise choice last night.  Ughh.  And I have sooooo much to get done today there is absolutely no chance for a nap today.  Oh well, I’ll survive!  lol


Well, finally got the phone call last night around 8 or so to find out more information on this party being planned for my Mom.  The party is a go I guess.  He’s called at least some people to invite them.  Others he is still going to get ahold of today or tomorrow.  Especially those that might run into Mom while she’s at work tonight and might spill the beans about the ‘surprise’.  E, the older gentleman doing all the food, has already got that all bought and is goign to begin cooking it.  He’s a good cook I guess and he’s making all sorts of yummy sounding things (homemade roast beefs, scalloped potatoes, homemade beans and a bunch of other stuff).  D, who was supposed to pick up some brownies or whatever it was that he wanted and some chips, beer, and pop has diminished his list of ‘to buy’ items basically down to nothing.  Figures.  So instead of getting a barrel of beer of any size he’s decided to just get cases.  Except for he’s to freakin’ cheap to buy it himself so he’s using the stuff my Mom just bought to have on hand at home for when company comes or whatever.  He no longer is buying chips it doesn’t sound like because he thought that would be "going overboard".  Whatever.

I ordered the cake this morning.  I had held off getting it because I certainly didn’t want to get stuck with a huge cake if it fell through.  I did, however, scale it down from the full sized sheet cake they wanted to just a half.  It’s supposed to serve 48 people and they are figuring on maybe 50 people.  So hopefully it will work out well.  The lady at the bakery that took my order said she hadn’t been there as long as another baker, so she kept consulting with the other woman.  She had a ton of suggestions on how to make it look pretty.  So I ordered a marble cake with butter cream frosting, with just a few burgundy flowers/border, pink writing. And then the older baker suggested putting some varigated pink flowers in amongst the burgundy and white one, she said it would be "absolutely gorgeous".  lol  Then she suggested the pink writing because it would really make the pink flowers pop.  lol  And the last suggestion she had was to put clear edible glitter on it to make it sparkle and shine and make it as gorgeous as possible.  I couldn’t help but laugh, becuase she was really getting into it and wanting to make it as pretty as possible since it was a reitrement cake.  Sounds like she’s the one who is going to make it too.  Then they wanted to know what to write on it, I really had no idea.  The older baker suggested "Thank God!"  I laughed so hard at that.  lol  But we went with something a little more classic.  lol

So this is what I need to do in order to get ready for this party before heading back home:

dig out veggie tray

get container for cheese/sausage platter

boil the eggs for deviled eggs

make veggie dip

order cake/pick up cake

pack pickles/black olives/crackers

do laundry (working on it)

pack for all of us

pack the van

get a card for Mom

pick up flowers and/or balloons



Oh, and then last night my Mom called me.  She said that they were throwing her a party at work and wanted to get ahold of me to come, but couldn’t figure out how to get in touch with me. So they told her she had to call me and invite me and the family to come to the party.  Originally it was supposed to be on Friday sometime.  Which would have worked out great because DH and I were planning on leaving early and getting up there for that and then the weekend.  But they changed it from Friday to Thursday now I guess.  Mom had no idea why.  So they are shutting the plant down at 3:30 and then having the party right away.  Mom really wanted me to come, so I’m heading up on Thursday instead of sometime on Friday afternoon.

But since I’ll have the cake and all of the other food I am brining up for the party I have to make sure I have enough time so I can drop it off before going to the party at her work.  So I’ll have to be jetting out of here pretty early tomorrow in order to pick up the cake and get on the road so I can drop it off at the party site, then head into town to meet up with Mom at work.  Sounds exhausting to me just writing that!  lol

Then on Friday while she’s working we are going to be hitting it hardcore and getting as much set up as we can for the party the next day.  Everything but the actual hot food will be able to be set up I think.  We’ll have a fridge right there to keep everything else until Saturday.  We’re trying to make it as easy for E to finish up setting up the hot food stuff on Saturday as possible since none of us can be there to help on Saturday.  The only task we have on Saturday is getting Mom there!  lol  I think Friday might be a very busy day. 

And I’m  just hoping that Mom has to work on Friday.  We were talking about that last night that maybe they changed her party at work so she wouldn’t have to come in on Friday at all.  If that happens we are SCREWED!  We won’t be able to get away to do anything on Friday that way.  Which would totally suck.  Plus I don’t know yet if Dh is just going to drive his car up or if he’s going to want me to come back and pick him up.  We’ll have to figure that out I guess.  I was kind of hoping that I would be getting picked up tomorrow but that doesn’t sound like it’s happening at all.  That would have made things just a little bit easier but I’ll deal.

Well, I better get going if I’m going to have a prayer of getting everything done that I need to.  (before falling into an exhausted heap!  lol)



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November 5, 2008

I was going to suggest getting together since you’ll be up here… but DANG…… you aren’t going to have any time. LOL.. and I don’t want to add another thing to a hectic weekend… so… STAY AWAY!!!!!!! LOL

November 5, 2008

I love deviled eggs! RYN: Well I hope you’re right. I really do.

November 5, 2008

Good luck!!! Sounds like you’re going to be extremely busy. I hope everything goes well!