Been awhile

I’ve not written in a little while.  Just don’t seem to have much to say to write every day.  Just kind of been a quiet time around here.

I suppose I should start out by saying that we have a bit of news in our house.  I’ve known for a little while, but we’ve waited to make it official.  We are expecting baby #3.  We got our first positive home test on Oct. 2nd.  DH thought maybe it was to ambigous so we waited a few days until AF was due to show up and retested.  We got positive results on the 6th and since I had a fance digital test left yet I took one last one on the 11th.  lol  So we got three positives.  DH had been saying for quite a while that he was sure I was, even before we took the first test.  I kept telling him he was nuts.  Apparently he wasn’t!  lol

So I had my initial appt with the nurse last Friday.  Just the basic health history and all that paperwork they find necessary.  According to the computer they plug all that info into they tell me that I am due April 22nd.   Which means that I am about 15 weeks right now. 

Things have been going ok.  It’s been a little different than the last two pregnancies in a few ways.  I’m feeling ok for the most part.  In the beginning I had a bout with feeling nauseous after eating, mainly in the evenings.  But have never been sick enough to ever throw up.  Other than that I have been doing great.

Mainly, all we want is a healthy baby.  That’s all anyone really wants.  But we are hoping that  the third time is a charm and we get a little girl.  Both DH and I are going into this expecting it to be a boy so that if it is a girl it will be a very pleasant surprise.  This will be our last child so we kind of hope for a girl to complete our family.   So send pink vibes!!!!!!  lol

So far we have only told a couple of people.  I told my Mom and my best friend.  That’s it.  We have both decided to hold off just a little while yet on telling DH’s parents.  We have our reasons for that and that’s all that matters.  And due to recent circumstances with the other ‘friend’ I would have told she has lost the privilege of being told until sometime in the future, if then.

So that’s it for the big news in our lives.  lol


On a much more common, less exciting note.  lol  It’s COLD outside.  Brrrrrrr……   I hate the cold and winter.  But don’t ask me why I live in Wisconsin then!  lol

This weekend it was very chilly.  Yesterday especially.   The winds were at least 45 mph all day long.  Enough to blow my huge swing right over on it’s top.   DH and I  did a few things outside trying to get ready for winter since it seemed like it was right around the corner.

I went and mowed the front lawn so taht the leaves could blow away better and to mulch them up a little.  I hardly got done and back in the house when I noticed that it was starting to sprinkle outside.  It wasn’t long after that I looked out and it was SNOWING!   My son was sooooooo excited to see it snowing.  lol  He was so excited he insisted his little brother come and watch at the patio door with him. 

And this morning he was even more excited to find it was snowing out a little again.  He has stood at the patio door so much today just watching outside going "Momma, it’s snowing again!"  and "oh no, now it’s stopped!"  lol  It’s been quite amusing to say the least. 

Apparently, since he has seen it snow he has declared that there will be no Halloween anymore.  Now he wants the Christmas tree with lights and little bows and a star on top to be put up!  lol   He wanted to know if we could go outside and find a tree, cut it down and put it up.  Which is strange, because we have never had a real tree.  When I told him we couldn’t cut a tree down he said then we could jsut go out in the garage and get the tree in.  lol  I thought it was a long couple of months with him waiting for Halloween to arrive.  Now that it’s almost here he’s like over it.  And now he’s anxioulsy awaiting Christmas.  But I love his enthusiasm about all of it so it’s all good.


On Saturday DH wanted to go to the mall.  When we got there he got the stroller out and opened it up.  We put both boys in it and were getting the rest of the stuff out of the car.  We heard K saying "it’s dying" over and over.  But we both kept looking and asking him what he was talking aobut and he just kept saying the same thing.  Then all of a sudden we heard them holler out.  Looked over and the stupid stroller had collapsed!  They were both still inside of it and smooshed.  We ran to open it back up and lock it.  I guess when DH opened it it must not have fully locked, he thought it had but it must not have.  K was a little scared about being "smooshed".  Somehow he ended up with a little cut on the side of his nose and a red mark across his cheek.  I don’t know if he turned his head at the last minute or what.  But they survived.  I told DH he just has to pay a little more attention to whether or not it’s actually locked when he opens it.  It’s collapsed before, but never with kids in it like that.


Well, I suppose I should head out.  I unfortunately have to go grocery shopping today.  I hate doing that by myself.  It’s always easier when DH is along to help.  But we got lazy yesterday, and with as cold and blustery as it was we just didn’t feel liek going outside let alone drag the kids out in that.  So we stayed in, which means I have to do it today.  I better go before the snow comes again!  lol  K keeps telling me that the snow is going to ‘pile up big and my car will get all stuck in’.  lol  It’s a busy week for us.  Tomorrow DH has a seminar to go to after work.  Wednesday  I have my first midwife appt.  And then of course Friday is Halloween! 


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October 27, 2008

congratulations!! It is cold here today!

October 27, 2008

K says the cutest things! lol CONGRATS!! I’ll be thinking pink for you! Will you be finding out the sex of the baby or waiting? The cold weather is just disgusting isn’t it?! I’m not ready!

October 27, 2008

Thats what I did too. I found out with Gavin that I was having a boy, then decided to let it be a suprise with Noah. I liked the suprise at the end. LOL Will wanted to know and really pushed me to find out, but I didn’t want to know. My sister never found out with her two kids, and it was way more exciting that way. 🙂 Now, will April come fast enough?!?!

October 29, 2008

Congrats!!! I hope you have a girl! 🙂

November 4, 2008

Is it April yet?! LOL … seriously – the only reason you told me was so I didn’t read it here! Teehee.. j/k… ya know I’m beyond excited for you!!! And Honored to be one of the first people you told! Now if I could just keep up with OD – everyone would be happy! LOL