Passing the time away…..

Thanks MyLife_LessOrdinary   🙂


1. What flavor is your favorite vitamin water?  Black Cherry

2. Did you ever have a summer love/fling? Nope

3. Is there someone you thought you’d never get off your mind? Sure, sometimes I still wonder where they are.

4. What do you day dream about the most? having more kids someday

5. What is the best part about thunderstorms? The rain, sometimes the thunder. 

6. Does crying really make things better or worse? Worse I guess, since that usually results in headaches and a completely exhausted and drained feeling.

7. Where do the other socks go? Sock Land

8. What song reminds you of your childhood? Walk Like an Egyptian, My Sharona, Heaven is a Place on Earth, Girls Just Want to Have Fun.  Just to name a few.  I remember listening to these on the bus ride to/from school.

9. Would you have loved to go to Woodstock 69? Sure

10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sure.  If I didn’t I don’t think I would be married to the person I am.  He claims he knew he loved me from the first time he ever saw me.

11. Have you ever made something with a person? Oh sure, a couple of kids plus a bunch of other things.

12. How is your relationship with your mother and father? My mom and I are pretty close. My dad and I haven’t been in contact with each other for about 16 years now.

13. Besides you, who was the last person in your bedroom? My DH for sure, maybe the kids.

14. What did you go in your basement for last time? to get something out of the freezer for dinner.

15. Are you freakishly obsessed with anything? lightswitches.  lol  I have to have them all in the same position or it drives me nuts!

16. What can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? The sound of someone falling down the stairs.

17. What is something someone else can do that will drive you NUTS? not pick up after themselves but the instant someone else gets up to do something they hail them down and make them do it.  Irritates me to no end!

18. Do you ever snort when you laugh too hard? Can’t say that I do.

19. Have you ever spit on someone while talking to them? We all do this from time to time.  It’s just an accident.

20. If you wanted to play a practical joke on your best friend, what would you do? It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I said it before hand!

21. Have you ever lifted your butt check and farted in front of someone? Um, no, can’t say that I have.

22. Has a dog ever humped your leg? Nope

23. Can you roll your eyes in the back of your head? I honestly don’t know!

24. Do you ever think of old times and sit back and smile alone? All the time.

25. Worst restaurant you’ve been to? this place called Blue Moon not far from our house.  It used to be an excellent place to eat, but then it got sold and the new owners totally ruined it.  Blech!

26. Last time you sat at a picnic table? August

27. Can you shuffle a deck of cards? Sure can

28. What do you think is highly overrated? Celebrities and professional athletes.

29. Do you have a favorite cup or glass? my favorite mug for drinking hot chocolate is a cobalt blue one.  As for a glass I prefer this silly cafeteria type brown ones that we have that DH smuggled from college.  lol

30. Are you afraid of the dentist? I’m not afraid of them, just don’t enjoy going.

31. What can I find on your bedroom floor right now? books and some of DH’s clothes.

32. When you go to the beach do you swim or lay out more? I usually just sit on the beach.

33. How often do you take naps? I have two kids so basically never.  Once in a great while I get to catch a couple of minutes to shut my eyes but that’s few and very far between.

34. If you were to have a yard sale right now, what would you be selling? If it were up to DH, EVERYTHING!  lol  But I’m sure alot of things we’ve had stored for so long that we certainly don’t need anymore.

35. Have you ever donated clothing to anyone? Lots of times.  In fact, I just made a donation to Easter Seals this past Tuesday.

36. Are you named after anyone? My Grandma

37. What are your goals for this year? My goal was to close out the estate and put that all behind me.  And I am happy to say that I have officially done that now.

38. Do you know anyone with a really old fashioned name? DH’s Grandma Ruth

39. Have you ever had to wear a neck brace? Nope

40. How many times have you gone to the emergency room? For myself, I have lost count.  Once for DH and a couple of times now for my oldest son.

41. Is there anyone who drunk dials you? Nope

42. Has a stranger ever come to your door in the middle of the night? Yes

43. Last thing you ate/drank? I just drank some OJ

44. Has a member of the opposite sex ever hit you? Yes.

45. What is your average cell phone bill? $28

46. Do you have any premium cable channels? Nope. But we do have the largest package available on Dish.

47. When is the last time you told someone NO? Multiple times tonight I had to tell the boys that.

48. Have you ever had to take a sobriety test? Nope.

49. When was the last time you had KFC? Its been quite a while, but it’s something I’ve been wanting.

50. Do you have a twenty dollar bill on you right now? Nope

51. Do you still drive the same car you did last year? Sure did

52. How many different colors have you dyed your hair? None

53. How many hair care products are in your bathroom? Maybe 4-5

54. Do you enjoy shopping for underwear? Undies, eh, not so much.  Sometimes I don’t mind bra shopping.  The only time underwear shopping is fun is if it’s for something special.  lol

55. Do you like shopping for the opposite sex? It depends.  If I know what I want to get, then yes.  If it’s for the kids then absolutely.

56. Ever found skid marks in someone’s undies? I live with a house full of boys, what do you think?? <–ditto!

57. Has a small dog ever bit your ankles? Nope

58. Does age really matter? Nope, but maturity sure does.  <— again, ditto

59. Are you a better talker or better listener? Listener.  I can talk quite a bit at times, but I by far am probably a better listener and usually more comfortable in that role.

60. When was the last time you went bowling? About 4 years ago at least.

61. Do you know how to keep score at darts? Kind of

62. Do you know how to play pool? Yes I do, I like playing pool actually.

63. Ever done anything naughty on a pool table? Nope

64. Where is the strangest place you have ever put your tongue? an ear

65. Do you like cheesecake? yummmmm, yes I do!  I like all kinds of it too.

66. Did your parent’s ever wash your mouth out with soap? Not so much.  It used to be Tabasco more than anything, which I hated.

67. Did you have to walk to school as a child? Nope, it was to far away.  But once, a friend and I walked home from school some 5+ miles away.  Boy, did we get in trouble for tha


68. Did you have any teacher’s that hated you? I don’t think so.  I did have some counselors that didn’t think to highly of me though.

69. Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Nope I don’t think so.  I’m not much of a crier.

70. Did you watch both seasons of I LOVE NEW YORK? Never saw it

71. Did you watch all the seasons of FLAVOR OF LOVE? Never saw it.

72. Who was your all time flavor of love girl? Again, never saw the show.

73. What reality show would you like to appear on? I don’t know, I don’t really get into reality type shows all that much.

74. Do you like flavored cream cheese? My favorite is cinnamon raisin.  Yum!

75. Ever built a sand castle? a few

76. Do you have any fitted baseball hats? Nope

77. As an adult, have you ever peed your bed? Nope.

78. Ever put your shoes on to find bugs or a mouse in them?I’ve found a spider or two in them but nothing worse.

79. What are you most scared of right now? the future.  Who wouldn’t be given the state this country is in right now??

81. Name an obvious quality you have: a good ol’ German temper.

82. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? two people actually

83. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? I don’t beleive so

84. Who sent you a text message last? no one, I don’t use text at all.

85. Who will fill this survey out after you? Who ever has the time and wants to!

86. Have you ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire? Nope, I’m not part of a gang and there are no drugs available in my neighborhood so there is just no point.  Besides, it looks trashy and stupid.

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October 23, 2008

Its German temper of course, i knew that even when I started reading from Q86. BTW, dog humpin a leg – is it common whoever framed the survey ? One question u could ve added : Howmany Oktober Festivals you attended (the follow-up question to yr answer, if yes, is in my mind already)…lol u know i guess

October 23, 2008

Now I have the song Walk like an Egyptian stuck in my head. lol